View Full Version : Something I've experienced before... advice?

29-12-14, 21:54
So this is something that has happened before but I just can't seem to get over it... and I'm sure it's happened to some of you as I've heard this is a common thing with people who suffer from anxiety...

I've recently got into the habit of trying to take a deep, 'good' breath, and now I feel like I have to do it all the time otherwise I feel breathless... I'll be sitting there and suddenly get the urge to take a really deep breath, and sometimes I do it and it doesn't feel like it 'satisfied' the urge, so I do it again until it does. But then it gets to the point where I feel I have to do it ever minute or so and if I don't, I feel like I'm out of breath. How do I get myself out of this?

29-12-14, 22:07
Yep I've had that, just anxiety getting the better of you x

29-12-14, 22:09
I'm actually not concerned that it's anything other than anxiety... but I'm finding it hard to break the cycle... Does anyone have any tips? I try so hard not to take the deep breath but it's almost impossible :/

29-12-14, 22:16
Its hard the more you think about it the more you do it, so try to distract yourself from it, but that's easier said than done, don't worry to much about it, if you feel anxious just chat on here, i think it really helps it distract me from checking x

29-12-14, 22:19
That's the annoying thing... when I'm distracted I'm fine, but sitting watching TV and suddenly I'm very aware of my breathing and the urge to take a deep breath... The irony is I don't think it's anything other an anxiety and I'm not overly worried... I just want the feeling to stop!

29-12-14, 22:27
That's the thing with anxiety you only get symptoms when you think about them, when you are distracted they dissapear, it just learning to ignore it, I find when I have a drink my symptoms disappear because iI am relaxed x

29-12-14, 22:38
Lay down and listen to some relaxing music. I like rainforest sounds. I over swallow and over breathe too so know how you feel x