View Full Version : This isnt me!

29-12-14, 22:00
I went from having these panic attacks to now being so anxious about going out anywhere. Don't like going anywhere by myself, feel safer at home. Feel like I'll go into a full blown panic if I go anywhere. I went to one of my doctors appointments by myself and I was a wreck mentally and physically. I feel like I'velost my mind and will never get back to what iI used to be.

29-12-14, 22:21
Sorry to hear what you are going though, JustBeMe. Hang on in there, things can change :)

30-12-14, 05:48
Thanks Greenman, for the bit of encouragement. I'll hang in there even if it is for just a moment at a time.

30-12-14, 11:59
I feel exactly the same. I cry every time I think about how I miss the old me. When will this nightmare end!

30-12-14, 12:13
There is always hope just got keep trying every time I think am winning I go backyards it a rollercoaster unfortunately non us can jump of until the ride over , just remember you are not alone, you are not mad and it cannot hurt you unless you physically go let yourself be hurt , stay in there , might be worth asking from some sedatives rather then Srri am on both take the edge away and does work, I was scared go out last month but that past am stuck on feeling physically ill or drained it will pass and you feel but more human ! Have a good new year and don't let ruin you too much

30-12-14, 18:19
I try to think of it as "this is me but not the ideal me." It is just you at the worst but at your core it's you still, its just your brain chemistry is all out of wack. Just think how can I take steps to go back to the ideal me.

31-12-14, 05:50
I went from having these panic attacks to now being so anxious about going out anywhere. Don't like going anywhere by myself, feel safer at home. Feel like I'll go into a full blown panic if I go anywhere.

I am so right there with you, right now. I have been at home for a month now. Going out seems like a surreal thing now. I did go out and had a panic attack. The fear grows and controls more and more.

Its like the eating thing, you eat, you get full, then you panic about it. WTF is that all about! really!

Some days I have stood in my garage looking out and just walked back inside.

and then you think to yourself, "really self? is this really who I am?"

its a really weird state of mind to be in, but I do know where you are, and trust me, we are there together!

31-12-14, 15:31
I know what you're going through my friend. I cried 3 times due to emotional reasons in my entire life up until I started having these. Now I find myself frequently breaking into tears missing the old me, missing my old relationship with my girlfriend, wondering whether or not we'll ever be the same/if I'll ever be able to treat her correctly again (for instance, we went to the movies to see the Hobbit, one of her favorites and I had a panic attack about 1.5 hours in and we had to leave).

I just have a general feeling that things will never be the same again, and it's awful. Just know that you're not alone!