View Full Version : Heart Anxiety

08-01-07, 21:30
ANYone else worry about this, it really is driving me insane at the moment.

08-01-07, 21:34
Yes. I am RIGHT NOW!

08-01-07, 22:27
i worry about this too, what with the missed beats,thuds sometimes, feels like heart is going really slow at times, and other times it beats fast and feel really ill with it. Kneck and chest get tight aswell, not to mention the breathlessness.

Been checked out and doctors at hospital say it's anxiety. Hard to believe but they must be right because all tests i had came back ok. Keep thinking they have missed something.


08-01-07, 22:44
Get it checked out by the doc then accept it is anxiety.

That is all you can do - but do make sure you don't have any underlying problems.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-01-07, 19:00
HI. I have had tests ,I wore a 24 ECG monitor and it came back normal, but I am still worried, I cannot get it into my head that something like this is caused by stress. I have been in a panic all day because of it.