View Full Version : living life in a panic!

29-12-14, 23:04
First I'd like to say hello to everyone, I'm new here but absolutely not new to panic disorder, I started having panic attacks about 3yrs ago and my daily life has become difficult at best most of the time. I try to live as normal a life as possible but most days its very hard, my worst panic symptom seems to be my health, I stay in constant fear of dieing to the point I don't like to be alone and will avoid any place or situation if I have to be alone..I work full time and seem to actually do best when I'm at work, I have a wonderful partner who is very supportive and is my rock!! She is my safe person, I feel safest with her but duty calls and we both have to work..I'm most hyperaware of my heart and my head, i see a cardiologist regularly and have had an echo, blood work ,a stress test and other tests that have all come back fine but I'm a diabetic so my cardiologist is still constantly saying there can still be something wrong so my days are consumed with thoughts of having a heartattack and my head seems to spinn all the time, I'm dizzy and always thinking I'm going to loose consciousness.. I don't mean to seem whinney, I do try to live as happy and normal a life as possible but it is nice to know I'm not alone in my suffering ….id love some feedback on how everyone deals with just daily life with this horrible illness ….thanks for listening …

30-12-14, 01:21
Hey there,
I am 29 years old and have suffered from panic disorder since I was 16 years old. The older I get the more its towards health issues as well. I try and think of different ways and mechanisms to cope with that. I think that taking Yoga really helps and also theres a technique called " tapping out " . This really helps when my heart is elevated and I feel like my head is going to explode. I think for most of us w/ panic disorder its important to realize that nothing is going to happen to us. That panic attacks will come and go and at th end of the day we are okay.

I am sorry that you have to go through this. Its really horrible but you do have support which is the best thing. Sometimes you just have to accept that panic attack and not fight it and it will go away on its own. Its also importatnt that you try and control the side of your brain that is being illogical. You have to think of things in a logical sense. You will not have a heart attack, you will not die, and panic attack will not kill you. They cannot harm you

I hope that things do get better for you :)