View Full Version : Kidney Failure ?

30-12-14, 00:55
Hi so again its been awhile since I posted on this site because I go through weeks where I feel okay and then days when I feel not okay.

It seems like everything seems to be different every single week. One symptom will go away and then Ill have a different issue.

The one I am having now has to do with my stomach ( i think ).
Lately i have been feeling off. Super tired, dizzy, cold, i have like a metal taste in my mouth, i feel weak..

This morning i wok up with a pain in my stomach when i made a bowel movement i felt so sick afterwards. Dizzy and nauseous. I thought I was going to throw up. All day today I havent been able to recover.
Im worried that its kidney failure/disease. or a bad case of anemia.

I know im hydrated because i drink alot of water and my urine is clear and doesnt smell bad.

Could i have liver/or kidney failure, or be anemic or even have an obstruction. im very worried as i have had no energy at all today and had sufficient sleep last night

can anyone offer any insight?

30-12-14, 01:36

Why do you suspect your symptoms are kidney/liver failure, anaemia or an obstruction of all things?? They really do not relate at all to your symptoms. You would be far, far sicker with any of these things, I assure you.

It sounds more like either a simple viral illness, or you are a little run down, or (possibly) IBS, just because of your stomach/bowel issues. It is very common with IBS to have stomach pain when opening the bowels and sickness/nausea.

All of your symptoms can also be - and are more likely to be - anxiety...pure and simple. It is incredible that anxiety can create these awful physical side effects and feelings, but it really does. It can make us feel as sick as a dog. Your fatigue and lack of energy can be explained by a lot of adrenaline surging through the body, driven by anxiety and worry. Nausea can also be anxiety caused, and IBS symptoms are almost exclusively driven by stress and anxiety. Just look at the sheer number of sufferers on this site, myself included!

The other indication that this is anxiety causing you to feel so unwell is that you mention jumping from symptom to symptom. That is classic anxiety.

Try if you can to take care of yourself. Eat well, drink good fluids and rest, but also don't rest TOO much, as this just fuels the anxiety and the physical stuff. Try to distract your mind and body as much as you can, even if it is just watching a movie or playing a game on the PC/laptop, etc. Deviating your concentration from how ill you feel really does help, I assure you.x:hugs:

30-12-14, 22:37
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your amazing response. I greatly appreciate reading something so reassuring and positive.
I think the reason I have this is because my stomach distends and hasnt really gone down. I haven had alot of urine output either. Your right in thinking that it may be IBS, but I think that my greatest issue is searching on google to find the culprit.

I have come to so many conclusions. But my stomach isnt getting better. The issue that i am having is the heartburn, the distending stomach, not having a proper bowel movement, and waking up in the middle of the night feeling like my chest is being crushed. Its just very worrisome to me as I used to be such a different person, full of life and energy and now i feel run down and defeated. I dont want to do anything or see anyone.

I know it is partial anxiety/stress but i also feel like alot of people are quick to diagnose it as just that when there may be a deeper medical issue aside from the stress/anxiety.

I am going to try and take alot of fluid and calm down in the upcoming days and see if anything changes.

Thanks again for your support


18-02-15, 06:11
Hi so again its been awhile since I posted on this site because I go through weeks where I feel okay and then days when I feel not okay.

It seems like everything seems to be different every single week. One symptom will go away and then Ill have a different issue.

The one I am having now has to do with my stomach ( i think ).
Lately i have been feeling off. Super tired, dizzy, cold, i have like a metal taste in my mouth, i feel weak..

This morning i wok up with a pain in my stomach when i made a bowel movement i felt so sick afterwards. Dizzy and nauseous. I thought I was going to throw up. All day today I havent been able to recover.
Im worried that its kidney failure/disease. or a bad case of anemia.

I know im hydrated because i drink alot of water and my urine is clear and doesnt smell bad.

Could i have liver/or kidney failure, or be anemic or even have an obstruction. im very worried as i have had no energy at all today and had sufficient sleep last night

can anyone offer any insight?

How's your diet going? Are you following the right renal dieting methods suitable for your kidney conditions? Are you avoiding those foods that triggers the pain?