View Full Version : Eye problem?

30-12-14, 06:44
A friend messaged me last night saying someone had contacted her to say a photo that I am in looks like one of my eyes is brighter than the other and I should get checked out!
Now I have a lazy eye, was in a nightclub and was at angle so the one closest to the camera/iPhone does look brighter.
But now I'm terrified I have a brain tumour or eye cancer, although have googled it and nothing suggests any of those unless it's a child.

I had been doing so so well but his was a bolt out of the blue and has left me like a wreck

30-12-14, 07:09
Hi there, I wouldn't worry photos can cause all sorts of blurs and spots etc, it probably the light, hope this helps xxx

30-12-14, 08:03
Thank you, am hoping it's just the fact of all the lighting and the angle. Terrified I have retinalblastoma but haven't seen anything on google about adults getting it

Am terrified of going to opticians so that's another worry, but know I should get booked in x

30-12-14, 08:14
Totally understand what that fear is like.

When stuff like this happens it helps us to rationalise it... If you did have something serious, the likelihood is that you would be experiencing other symptoms, or someone else would have noticed it before.

It is scary when people bring things like that to our attention and I am sure whoever mentioned it meant well, but the most probable cause for their concern was due to the camera angle and lighting.

Hope this helps x

30-12-14, 12:30
A friend messaged me last night saying someone had contacted her to say a photo that I am in looks like one of my eyes is brighter than the other and I should get checked out!

Does your friend know you suffer from HA? If so, I wouldn't call that a friend. Like you and others reiterated, a club, poor lighting, angle and a camera on a phone are more likely culprits of an unusual artifact in a photo than anything sinister.

Positive thoughts

30-12-14, 14:50
Thanks all, I was literally googling like mad and then takin g random photos of my eyes to see if anything showed and it just looks normal,
No this friend doesn't know I have HA, I had been doing so well and now I've come crashing back down

30-12-14, 21:09
We all get set backs. It's ok and you will get over this and start to do better again with your HA. Just remember to try and rationalise it. Write things down if you can (that really helps me). Hope you feel better soon and worry less. Try not to Google, we are all guilty of this sometimes but we all know deep down that no good comes of it. Stay strong x

02-01-15, 22:20
Is the person who contacted her a doctor or optician? If not, their opinion is invalid. And even if they are, a photo from a nightclub is a very poor standard for examining eyes. As others have said, there are many lights in a nightclub that can affect a photo, as well as the camera flash and angle the photo is taken at. If you haven't had any concerns over your eye, it probably isn't worth worrying about it now. If you really can't shake this worry, you could pop to a GP or eye doctor for a check-up, but that probably isn't necessary.

03-01-15, 08:42
Hi, no this person (more of a friend of a friend) isn't a optician or medically trained and I actually made that comment to them too.
I did come across on the specsavers website "ask the optician" so I contacted them and they have really reassured me and said nothing to worry about at all, thank goodness