View Full Version : syphilis

30-12-14, 11:35
Hi,just wanted to get something off my chest as I feel like I'm about to explode!!A year and a half ago I had a one night stand with a girl who was Scottish whilst I was on a stag doo in Ireland,stupidly I didn't use any protection,the following weekend I got a rash on the palms of my hands,I was raised at what looked like blisters but they where warm and not itchy,this lasted about five days and i thought nothing of it as a reaction to working in the garden the previous day and handling plants and I got an allergic reaction to it 24 hours later which I'm told can happen, forward two weeks later I went to my local gum clinic and had to pee in a cup and and have a blood test for hiv,I never mentioned the rash on the palms of my hands as I thought it was an allergic reaction,now my health anxiety has flared up again and I was googling symptoms and syphilis came up and mentioned rash on the palms of the hands! And I have totally freaked out,the various sites I have visted have said the secondary part of rash doesn't show up for weeks or months after a ulcer in your genitals or mouth is healing of healed,and my rash showed up 6 days after I had sex which makes it far too early to what has been said,I know I should have mentioned it but I was I such a state and I thought nothing about it at the time as I thought it was not related to a sexually transmitted disease and not syphilis!
MY head is in bits fearing I have infected my current partner!!she has never had any symptoms that I know off,I'm even scared I have give my baby daughter it by kissing her or having her dummy in my mouth incase it was on my lips or in my mouth and I didn't know even though uk sites say it cannot be passed on thru kissing a couple of other sites say it can,I also have little ridges in three of my fingernails just in the centre and have had for a while,now that has led me to beaus lines!but they are supposed to affect all fingernails and go all the way across the nail,my three are just in the centre and are at different points on the nail,a few sites have said this could be down to nail biting which I do! My Christmas and new year have been ruined with these thoughts,if I have to tell my fiancee I have given her this I would lose her and everything including my child!I feel so ashamed and worried I haven't been able to sleep in the same bed as my fiancee the last couple of nights and even pretended I was ill the other night as didn't want to spend time with her and my daughter as it breaks my heart,googling varius symptoms I have and seeing if there caused by syphilis is all I want to do so I lay down stairs on my own doing this,and I have to admit it is ruining me inside
I feel suicidal now,I have made an appointment with my gum clinic tomorrow to get syphilis test,I would have had roughly about a year so it will show up,hopefully I wont,just feel better that I got this off my chest and sorry for long post,keep fingers crossed for me please as my whole life depends on the results

30-12-14, 12:41
A year a half ago? You would be pretty messed up by now if it were syphillis or some other STD and the blood work showed all clear for HIV. While I don't know the timeline of your "stag doo in Ireland", perhaps there's a bit of a guilt conscious here? Regardless, the dragon is lying to you big time and you're believing him.

Positive thoughts