View Full Version : my feelings at the moment!

30-12-14, 13:03
ok so ive been feeling a bit better in my self and little bit more happy but still there are things that are keeping me on edge I have check up on the 6th of jan and the doctor wont do anymore tests apart from the blood tests he did and im scared he might have missed something! am taking 100mg sertraline coming up to 4 weeks now! surley if this stuff was in my head it would be gone now! what im having at the moment!

still not got craving for food although im eating a lot.

have not lost anymore weight and have even put a bit on!.

sometimes I get a full feeling quite quick but am never bloated or in pain!

burping and bringing up acid now and again!

been waking up with stomach ache not bad and then have d! for the last week but poo is normal brown but yellow when I wipe!

also get breathless but not really breathless just have to take a deep breath now and again!

the back ache in top right comes and gose! was gone for a day after having a jog or walk although I got the tight feeling why running!

and im finding im getting aches in my wrists and ankles more then anything! and when im standing my lower back round hipbone aches and my legs get tired!

im trying not to worry but ive already been to the loo 2 times in 3 hours!


---------- Post added at 13:03 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

also I get this bunged up feeling in between my nose and thorot if that makes sense which sometime makes me feel sick

30-12-14, 13:15
Hi Luke,

Don't think things like if it's all in your head it would be gone by now because that's not how anxiety works. It can take months or even years to stop worrying over something.

You say you have been to the toilet twice in 3 hours. That could be irritable bowel syndrome or could just be because you are so anxious. When I am anxious I go to the toilet non stop!

Not wanting to eat is definitely a symptom of anxiety but it's good you are making sure you do eat anyway.

Some of the things you said you have said about could be anxiety and some could be just normal everyday things happening in your body.

I'm sure your dr would have known if there was something wrong xx

30-12-14, 15:01
I try my hardest to put things out of my head but it just that they are always there I have been told I have ibs! and when I think about my stomach has been like this for many years problem is im linking it all to loss of appetite and weight loss and it puts me in a bad way :(

30-12-14, 16:22
Hey Luke,

No worry mate! It is anxiety.

Hereīs something I hope will help you!

When suffering from anxiety you may get physical symptoms which seem very strange and can cause alarm. Your legs may skake, your heart pounds against your chest, spasms of fear may sweep over you or your stomach shakes with nausea.
What Typically Happens When A Sufferer Experiences Symptoms
When you experience the symptoms of anxiety you fear the worst. ĻThere must be something wrong!Ļ you think to yourself. Maybe an illness or even a heart attack. You canīt help but think the worst. And what makes it even stranger is that the symptoms seem to come from nowhere. They catch you off-guard. You may be walking down the street, readng a newspaper and then suddenly a strange symptom appears.

You just canīt make any sense of it. You feel lost and confused. You donīt know what this ĻthingĻ is that has come over you. You used to feel at peace, at ease in the world and now you may wake up and start your day feeling tense, stomach churning and heart pounding against your chest.
You feel like you canīt escape it. You try to ignore it hoping the symptoms just go away. Maybe you try to listen to music, read a book, or watch TV. But you canīt shake them off. And you dread that there is something wrong with you. You are full of fear and feel vulnerable to the core of your very being. You may feel like your world has been turned upside down as you now live in fear of these strange feelings and sensations.
However because of this fear that you are feeling you are in a heightened state and are not thinking rationally about the symptoms. You dare not even contemplate thinking about them in a different light other than that of something being wrong. They are horrible to experience so you just want to ignore them. The last thing you want to do is analyze them, or know more about them.
You have experienced similar symptoms before however. Iīm sure youīve watch a horror movie and your heart raced at the scary scenes. You were in suspense, feeling apprehensive about what was going to happen next, and these moods made you excited so your heart responded accordingly. You may have started breathing fast and shallow breaths, and even started sweating, with heart palpitations and so on.
This happens because you have put your body under pressure as a result of the emotions or fear, and apprehension you were experiencing. And your nervous system has reacted accordingly bringing on the symptoms. And the same thing happens when you feel anxious. Your adrenal glands start pumping the adrenaline into your blood stream which then carries the adrenaline to the different muscles and organs of your body. So you start to feel tense, nausious and may shake.
You start breathing fast and take in too much oxygen, your blood then becomes too alkaline and you feel weak. Blood goes to the muscles of your body and less is left in your head so you feel dizzy. And your blood sugar levels may drop causing hypoglycaemic attacks which make you feel weak.
You arenīt aware of these processes however. So instead of thinking that your heart is beating merely because of an excessive flow of adrenaline you start to feel anxious. Your mind runs away with itself thinking up different possible scenarios to try and make sense of whats happening to you. You may think your having a heart attack, that you have a heart condition, or that you are going crazy. All this of course causes more adrenaline to be released.
Sensitization And Adrenaline
Adrenaline itself is a totally harmless chemical. It is even used by paramedics to bring people out of cardia arrests. It is injected into the blood stream and kicks the body back into action. The very thing that is causing your palpitations is used to counterattack what you are afraid you may be experiencing.
Your nervous system is simply sensitized and the release of adrenaline is happening from smaller stimuluses than usual. Your body is overreacting to things because it is tired. That is all!
Thereīs Nothing To Fear
There is nothing to fear. These symptoms are not pleasant to experience, I know. But they are not serious at all. They have never harmed you before and they never will harm you.
So face them, stop fighting against them, stop adding fear from your mind and put your thoughts into neutral and float, and let your body calm down in itīs own time without trying to control it. By adopting this approach you are letting the flow of adrenaline calm down. You nervous system will get a break and your symptoms after time, will subside.
The reaction you have been using, of trying to ignore the symptoms and fighting against them can be a habit thats hard to break. You may have been doing it for months or years. But by understanding the processes behind the symptoms you can start to change your approach. And with practise you can face, then accept them, stop adding second fear and learn to live with them until they go away in their own time.
On the other hand if for example if you have been checked out for your symptoms, such as your heart palpitations, by your doctor and been given the all clear then you can be sure it is just anxiety and a sensitized nervous system causing you to experience the symptoms. So take comfort in the fact that the symptoms are harmless.
They are normal physiological reactions that are happening because of fatigue, adrenaline and tension. Once you understand the processes at work then the bewilderment will go away. And you can begin to stop fighting them and instead accept them as what they are, harmless physiological processes happening in your body.
Here for example is the simple explanation for heart palpitations;
Heart palpitations
This is where your heart may feel like it is pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly. It is caused by a surge of adrenaline into the blood stream which is released by you feeling nervous, anxious, or even excited.
Also you may experience some soreness or pain in the heart region. Donīt worry this is due to tension from adrenaline being released into muscles in area.
Sensitization of the nervous system exaggerrates the heart beat. If its been checked by the doctor and nothing was found to be wrong then have faith that it is just caused by adrenaline!
Your heart can tolerate up to 200 beats a minute for days without any bad effect. Yet in panic attacks the highest it gets to is around 160. The heart is a very powerful organ so have peace of mind that it can cope with the extra work.
It is made worse by caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs and a lack of sleep.
Donīt try to control it, or make it better, instead just practise accepting it! Take deep breaths, exhale slowly and sag your body. The palpitations will improve in their own time!



30-12-14, 19:36
that is one big post but I don't suffer panic attacks that's what worrys we I use to get them but now I don't have full blown ones! and they heart is sort of the only thing I don't worry about all the time strange :(

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

also feel dizzy