View Full Version : Anyone feel pulsing or pressure changes in head?

30-12-14, 16:15
I started hearing and also feeling a pulsing in my head about 20 years ago. I didn't hear it all the time just off and on. Sometimes I could turn my head in a certain way and make the pulsing sound happen. Other times it happens when I'm just lying down trying to sleep. It sounds like a "huh, huh, huh" sound. If you keep your mouth open and make the "huh, huh, huh" without using your voice but just blowing out air, that's what it sounds like. I believe it is in sync with my heartbeat. Anyway, 20 years ago I was so worried about it. I had MRI, MRA, EEG, testing. No doctor could really figure it out. One neurologist said it might be a "mechanical problem" with my neck. Anyway, it kinda went away and I stopped worrying much about it. Fast forward 20 years..... I started having racing heart episodes a little over a month ago. I have been diagnosed with PSVT. My heart will go up to 170 or higher in a matter of minutes. I have learned to do a vagal maneuver and can usually get it to go down pretty quickly. The doctor has put me on Metoprolol 12.5 mg twice a day to help with it. It does help but I still have them. I am worried that my blood pressure may go too low on this drug because I normally have really good blood pressure. I believe that because of the PSVT I am having "panic attacks' and LOTS of anxiety. I have always been a little anxious by nature but now it's really bad. The head pressure thing is coming back. I have pretty much stayed home for the last month afraid to drive or go anywhere for the fear of the PSVT thing happening again. Well, yesterday I went out with a friend. She drove me. We were going to run an errand to another town, then eat dinner and then go to a painting class. I was feeling excited to finally get out as my PSVT episodes have slowed down and I was finally starting to get some energy (adjusting to the Metoprolol). Well, it didn't go well at all. I'll try to describe how I felt. We were riding in the car, chatting normally and all of a sudden a feel very anxious and felt some pressure in my head. I put my fingertip monitor on the end of my finger and I watch my pulse go from 70 up to 140. I thought crap, another PSVT. I managed to get it down rather quickly but it left me in such a state of anxiety. I took .25 of Xanax so I could try and relax a bit. By the time we got to the restaurant my heartrate was normal. She dropped me off at the door of the restaurant and as soon as I started walking thru the door I had the pulsing strong in my head and I felt like maybe I would faint or something worse. It was "huh, huh, huh" for maybe 20 seconds and I found a place to sit down. It was very loud in there and I felt like I was gonna freak out or something. Then we had to go order the food. I was actually afraid to walk up to the counter to order. Sure enough I'm standing there ordering my food and I can feel the strong pulsing in my head again. It scares me so bad but it always goes away with a minute or so. We ate our food and I was debating whether I wanted my friend to take me home or not. I decided to stay for the painting class. It was a long three hour class and at one time I did feel my heart speeding up and I had to leave the class for a few minutes till my heartrate came back down. Other than that I made it thru although I did feel anxious many times. I hide it pretty well most times. It's like I'm sitting there feeling pretty good, them all of a sudden something comes over me and I feel SO anxious. Anyway, sorry this is such a long post. I'm trying to figure out if this pulsing, head pressure thing has just come back because of all my anxiety dealing with the PSVT. Does anyone else do this? Here is another example that I had a couple months ago. I had been to exercise class and then drove to the grocery store. I was feeling fine and not at all anxious. I got out of the car and walked rather quickly into the store. Just as I entered the store and went to get my grocery cart I felt a very strong pulsing in my head for maybe 15 seconds. It was so strong that my hearing was diminished a bit. It passed but scared me so bad I had to go back to the car. I have noticed it a lot when I go from sitting in the car to getting up and walking in somewhere. One other thing is I have noticed that my neck, shoulders and upper back have been EXTREMEMLY tight and stiff the last month. I wonder if that could be connected.

02-01-15, 08:33
This has been happening to me most of my life but really only realized it about 30 years ago.. I think it has something to do with neck adjustment.. that is the pressure thing.. the fast heart rate I think is caused by panic responding to the pulse and pressure.I also have PSVt.. it scares the beegeebees out of me. Anyway I am taking high does of metroplol which seems to help but it still beats hard and fast at times.. I just try not to time it.. but I ask my doctor what to do and all he said is that you are doing everything you can..As for the pressure and hearing your pulse.. just try to ignore it and live with it.no doctor is going to give you a cure for it.. all they are going to say after about asking 15 doctors is that some people hear their pulse and feel pressure in the head. I thought about going to a chiro but have heard bad things happen when they adjust necks sometimes but suppose that is silly because they help a lot of people too so..its a toss up..Hope you feel better and know you aren't alone.