View Full Version : Brain tumor fear, please help!!

30-12-14, 17:07
Hi I'm a 16 yr old girl. For the past 4 years, my right eye waters excessively, like tears roll down my face. Also only my right nostril gets runny. I never paid much attention to it, but it's been getting worse and now my right eye is twitching again!! I Have no other symptoms but I'm so worried that I have a tumor pressing on my right tear duct or something. My mom won't make me a dr appt because I am a bit of a hypochondriac, but these symptoms are really worrying me. Would brain tumor symptoms last for 4 years? I would think it was allergies, but I've read that they cannot be one sided. Any responses would be appreciated thanks!!!

30-12-14, 17:18
Hi hun, you would be extremely ill if it was a Tumor, I've had allergies that only one side runs or itches . Ihad the same worried when i was about 12, I'm still here and I'm41, ddon't worry you are young and healthy xxxx

30-12-14, 20:07
Thanks for your response! Would I have other symptoms if it were a tumor?

30-12-14, 20:10
Would I have other symptoms if it were a tumor?

After 4 years if it were sinister, you would have one major symptom as in being deceased! :winks:

Positive thoughts

30-12-14, 20:10
Course you would a lot worse than what you say, allergy symptoms are common and are not a brain tumour sign, you are aabsolutely fine, don't let anxiety get the better of you xxxx

Tons of Love
30-12-14, 23:21
Eye twitching and eyes watering could be a sign of eye strain. I get them all the time for that reason. :)

31-12-14, 02:19
Thank you so much for all the helpful replies, they really help to calm me down. my dad said it could be that one of my sinuses is blocked...is this possible?

31-12-14, 11:54
Yes! I have a sinus issue at the moment and if you can imagine how much stuff fits into your face (teeth, bone, jaw, nerves, sinuses etc) when there is inflammation it wreaks havoc.

When you have a stuffy nose it is common to also get a watery eye. That is your maxillary sinus causing pressure on that side of your face.

Ask your folks if you can take a decongestant for your nose and see if this makes any difference.

Otherwise, lots of fluids and rest. If you are in the US you are in the midst of winter - it could be the weather or even a viral infection.

I promise you - it is NOT a tumor or anything nasty :)

31-12-14, 17:24
Yeah I guess I'm just worried because it happens everyday all year and has lasted for years. It's just gotten worse recently and has started twitching as well

01-01-15, 00:46
Sweetheart, you fit the bill for something called "chronic sinusitis".

It basically means that you tend to get congested all year round and I would hazard a guess that something has triggered an allergy or cold etc that has made an already inflamed sinus worse.

Try not to stress. It is definitely not sinister - just persistent and annoying!