View Full Version : FRIENDS!!!

08-01-07, 21:55
Hi all,

Have you ever been badly let down by a friend? I have just spent a week in hospital with my eight week old daughter, who developed BRONCHIOLITIS. She was on a drip for three days and reciving oxygen and tupe feeds, as she was to ill to feed or breath propally herself. My husband had to juggle looking after are three other young children plus work, which men't he wasen't able to spend much time up at the hospital, helping to care for her and suporting me. I spent night after night on my own with the worry and stress of it, at times fearing the worse. Given i have health anx this was an extreamly difficult time.

My next door neighbour, who is also one of my best friends turned her back on us compleaty, and made it quite clear she didn't want to help out. She pretended that she was coming down with a cold, which was the excuse she used not to help us. We have spent the last four years building a friendship, helping each other with the children, (she has three) meeting up every week, having each others children when we have had babies, baby sitting for each other, meals together, etc etc. But when we REALLY, REALLY need her, she and her husband stayed away and didn't want to know. It turned out they thought that their children might catch it, which we had guessed they would, knowing them like we do. The truth is it only affects young babies making them very unwell. As alll there three of there children are well over a year, ther is no risk to them at all. But they didn't even care enough to find out the facts first.

We have now totally fallen out with each other, after having a huge row, and it is awful as they are neighbours. But they let us down soo badly. She said she was a true friend and we could always rely on each other and always have in times of need. She didn't even visit or ring me the whole time i was in the hospital. And offered no help what so ever.I lost a baby last year and she knows how deeply it affected me, and she knew that i have developed anx since that time, but it made no difference to her.

So i told her that she is no friend, as true friends are there for you when the chips are down, like my others friends were. I feel soo much better since i confronted her, and told her excatly what i thought of her as she was expecting to come round for coffee the next day as normal and pick up from where we left off. Even my palps have been better since th row. I know i have done the right thing even if it's going to be very awkward living next door.

Who needs friends like that?

Snoopy x

08-01-07, 22:06
Hi snoopy. What a dreadful time you've had.

It's a sad fact of life that sometimes the people whom we love and trust a lot tend to let us down miserably at the very time we need them most ,for whatever reason, as you can now testify to.

Seems like your friend was overcome with an irrational fear of infection. I say irrational because if it wasn't she probably wouldn't have reacted in the way she did? Cold comfort for you I know, but that may be a reason for it, I don't know.

I hope you can resume your friendship eventually, seems a shame to waste what had become a good relationship.

Take care

lotsa luv to you and your family

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

08-01-07, 22:22
Hi Snoopy
I do hope your baby is now well sometimes your friends do let you down when you need them often they are afraid. When i had my first daughter i used to breast feed and was in hospital; and she came to visit and i descretly breast fed and she ran off and i never saw her again!!!! Some friend eh? Another time i used to look after a special need lad for my friend even when she went on holiday for a week at a time , he got bigger and older and was doing things that would embarrass my young daughter so i explained to my friend(we went everywhere together) and she rowed with me and i never saw her again some friend !!!So i can understand where you are coming from and i sympathise with you.Having said that i hope that you resolve this if you can as she is your neighbour and i know from experience how difficult it can be with atmosheres but i can agree wit what you said Anyway i hope all is well with you, take care all the best Annexx

11-01-07, 20:34
Thanks guy's, Thanks for your honest replys,

I feel so angrey with her, im just want people to be true to there word as i am. I could never let a friend down, ever. She really underestimated me as she just thought she could come over for a coffee and a nice chat and pick up from where we left off. And was quite shocked that i had a problem with her total lack of support. I feel quite sorry for her, as i don't think she knows how to be a good friend.

Snoopy x