View Full Version : anxiety

30-12-14, 17:13
I hate living my life in fear, Ilook at other people and wonder how they manage to stay so level headed, iI wish I wasnt scared of anything, and could live my life to the full and fearless, but when I try the what if crepts back again, I wish there was a pill that could make you totally fearless, I would love alife like that, no anxiety or dread, waking up everyday at peace xx

30-12-14, 17:56
I feel exactly the same as you. We just have to carry on. I wish all this would go away but it doesn't. We have to try and look for the positives. It comforts me that I am not alone in this.

30-12-14, 18:14
You are definetly not alone, Ihave had many bouts of anxiety, depression and ocd, I would love to know what it feels like to have a normal mind xx

31-12-14, 08:31
I feel anxious now, and somewhere in my head im ok but I just cant bring it to the front of my mind after nearly 5 years I should have mastered this!:lac:

31-12-14, 13:49
I know what you mean, I have moments were I can really see its the anxiety then all of a sudden I'm like but what if , then I goes down hill from there x

31-12-14, 14:29
I wish there was a pill too herbie so all of this could go away. I have ibd and a tight diaphragm but I'm still convincd the doctors have missed something. It's only since discovering this forum on Christmas Eve that I realise I am not alone anymore in feeling the way I feel. For 7 months I thought it was just me and I never saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Now I find comfort in coming on this forum talking to others who understand what I am thinking and feeling. Also I take comfort in the fact I can help others in a similar situation to myself. X

31-12-14, 15:03
This forum is a god send, it actually keeps my mind off of my own worries, and I get to give advice to others, which is nice xx

31-12-14, 16:29
I totally get this post too! I mean it's nye and I'm so anxious and nervous for some reasonable it annoys me how everyone around me is normal and I'm here like help!!!!

31-12-14, 16:34
I know how you feel, every one at work was excited to be going out tonight and having a day off tomorrow all I could think about was, at least I can have a couple of drinks, maybe to feel normal and I won't have to pretend at work tomorrow which is a relief in itself xxx,

31-12-14, 16:46
It's just another night in for me arguing with my fella and crying due to how my whole world seems to be dominated by this crippling health anxiety

31-12-14, 17:58
Bless you, its such a lonely feeling, if you need a chat iIwill be on here.

31-12-14, 21:17
My husband is like that... No fear or dread, just lives life.
I wonder how I ended up like this, wish there was a magic pill too!

31-12-14, 21:42
My husband is exactly the same, dosn'tworry about anything, wish I was like him xx

31-12-14, 21:46
Maybe our New Years resolution should be to take a leaf out of our husbands books and do something that scares us! x

31-12-14, 22:39
I understand totally. My hubby is the same I'm so jealous of his carefree attitude. Sending hugs to anyone who needs one xx

31-12-14, 22:41
I hope we will all get some peace in 2015, hugs to all you amazing people xxx