View Full Version : Ebola :(

30-12-14, 21:30
Sorry...I know this isn't a nice topic and I dont want to make anyone feel any worse by posting this. I tried to search for other topics on it but couldn't find any at all.

Is anyone else really scared about it?

30-12-14, 21:34
Hi Crystal,

I was worried about it but I have calmed down now. We had all this with bird flu and swine flu and it didn't get as bad as they said xx

30-12-14, 21:40
im not scared because its all media hype.

are you worried by this new case in glasgow then?

think of the details that they omit from such fearmongering stories.

have the entire crew been quarantined? i havnt read that.

news reports say that they are looking for anyone flying on said flight.

so in this day and age they are suggesting that these people are running amok with a deadly(completely treatable!)virus despite the border check points, ticket purchase details and passports and they will have you believe that (duh!!!) we dont know who else was on the flight-so get ready everybidy and feel the fear!


look-usual case scenario is to make everyone aware of a rare exotic illness, then a government minister will funnel a lot of public money to his mates drug company to produce treatments and vaccines. that is all. that is it. usually after the point where the money has changed hands-the virus magically vanishes!

look into striking gold miners and ecological disaster happening in west africa countries and you wont wonder why they are sending so many troops over there.

its not happening-they are just trying to scare us while they rob the public coffers.

if you dont believe anything i say then take comfort that russia have vaccines and effective treatments should they ever be needed-just to bypass the monopolised corrupt western pharma companies and policies pushed by our health minister and the WHO.

30-12-14, 21:44
Hi Crystal

At the fact that it was only 20 miles from where I live yeah it has been on my mind and if I was in that hospital I would have discharged myself to another just on the basis that a victim of ebola has just been brought in confined or not makes no difference..

I do really feel for the aid worker trying too help ppl in that environment and I hope she's getting the best possible care, but now they've took her from Glasgow to London... So from seirra leone to Glasgow now London i just don't get how they didn't spot the heat signature at the airport maybe she hadn't experienced the symptoms till afterwards.

Hopefully she gets better.

30-12-14, 21:52
im not scared because its all media hype.

are you worried by this new case in glasgow then?

think of the details that they omit from such fearmongering stories.

have the entire crew been quarantined? i havnt read that.

news reports say that they are looking for anyone flying on said flight.

so in this day and age they are suggesting that these people are running amok with a deadly(completely treatable!)virus despite the border check points, ticket purchase details and passports and they will have you believe that (duh!!!) we dont know who else was on the flight-so get ready everybidy and feel the fear!


look-usual case scenario is to make everyone aware of a rare exotic illness, then a government minister will funnel a lot of public money to his mates drug company to produce treatments and vaccines. that is all. that is it. usually after the point where the money has changed hands-the virus magically vanishes!

look into striking gold miners and ecological disaster happening in west africa countries and you wont wonder why they are sending so many troops over there.

its not happening-they are just trying to scare us while they rob the public coffers.

if you dont believe anything i say then take comfort that russia have vaccines and effective treatments should they ever be needed-just to bypass the monopolised corrupt western pharma companies and policies pushed by our health minister and the WHO.

Well yeah...I am a paranoid person and definitely open to conspiracy theories, so I totally get the "be scared then let us save you" angle.

I know the media twist things, and mis-report facts, and then invent new ones!

I wasn't that worried after the Glasgow incident, its just that tonight I read that there are 2 more possibles - one in Aberdeen and one in Cornwall. I know they are not confirmed, I just can't help my mind from spinning :/

I agree with you too bumblegirl, there was the same with swine flu, I remember being caught up in that one too and not much came of it.

I think it's just my way of thinking, my anxiety is bad at night and I start to overthink....

---------- Post added at 21:52 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Hi Crystal

At the fact that it was only 20 miles from where I live yeah it has been on my mind and if I was in that hospital I would have discharged myself to another just on the basis that a victim of ebola has just been brought in confined or not makes no difference..

I do really feel for the aid worker trying too help ppl in that environment and I hope she's getting the best possible care, but now they've took her from Glasgow to London... So from seirra leone to Glasgow now London i just don't get how they didn't spot the heat signature at the airport maybe she hadn't experienced the symptoms till afterwards.

Hopefully she gets better.

Hi Petesy,

Oh wow only 20 miles away? That is pretty close I guess.

Yeah I read that too, that they took her to London...because I am so paranoid about everything, I've thought for a while now that the government actually WANT people to catch it as some sort of population control :/

Yeah I think they missed it as she didn't test positive until she showed symptoms and by then it was too late to quarantine.

30-12-14, 22:05
the conspiracy is just an exchange of money.

the fear is there to keep you at a distance and to give you something to think about while they buy gold toilet seats for the yacht.

that is what is happening. thats a fact-some guys are getting rich from public money being passed from one eton schoolboy to the other.

depopulation, no, because it wouldnt be on the news if it was actually effectively killing people-it would be something that they would want to hide.

just dont even waste your time even watching the news.

news items can be legally falsified. do you i understand that? lie about a celeb on the news and you'll get sued. create a health scare and no one really questions it.

legally they are allowed to. after all, what is the news but entertainment?

go ask a sun reader why they buy a "newspaper".

sars, swine flu, bird flu. ebola...

i have created a vaccine for cheese flu... you can buy some now before i put out the story on the bbc about people in the most remote part of yukon catching it from yak milk...

30-12-14, 22:13
As soon as the media moved onto something else, it died down on the boards.... until now that is ;) There's absolutely no reason for this to even be on anyone's radar.

Positive thoughts

30-12-14, 22:43
Ok thanks for replies :) I have calmed myself now and rationalised it and am all too aware of the manipulation of the media with issues such as this.

30-12-14, 23:01
I blame the media for hyping it up it was the same with bird flu
Swine flu aids and so on,and let's be honest when do you here
of any of them now not very often ,scare mungers :mad:remember
bad news sells not good news they I be on to something else soon x

30-12-14, 23:12
As soon as the media moved onto something else, it died down on the boards.... until now that is ;) There's absolutely no reason for this to even be on anyone's radar.

Positive thoughts

Was just thinking this today when I saw it on TV! There was such mania for a while. If anyone worried wants to search for Ebola and look at a post I made about it, it'll be worth it. It was a first person account from somebody that knows how the virus spreads explaining how small the chances of catching it are.

31-12-14, 01:29
Now this having reached the UK is all over the flaming news, it was inevitable the subject would end up on this forum, sigh.

This has been posted about before on the forum, as I recall it when the whole Ebola thing blew up in the news originally.

Ebola CAN ONLY be contracted through DIRECT CONTACT with an existing Ebola patient's bodily fluids - sweat, blood, etc. - hence why aid workers are the primary people contracting it right now.

They have had 'experts' and medical bods on the news bleating on all day about how the risk is tiny.

I would be inclined to believe them.

31-12-14, 01:44
someone would have to spit blood in your mouth to catch ebola.

handling fluids can be completely safe, its is absolute rubbish that these health workers have been catching it from working with infected patients.

31-12-14, 03:23
someone would have to spit blood in your mouth to catch ebola.

handling fluids can be completely safe, its is absolute rubbish that these health workers have been catching it from working with infected patients.

Or use you as a toilet!

You can catch it through other body fluids but its far less likely.

As I keep saying on these threads, its what, outbreak 26 since 1975 and we never used to hear about it years ago despite it being just as bad. ..online media has come along and it has intensified the fight with the traditional chip paper so that you hear about a lot more these days.

I reckon that if you had a poo, wiped your bum on the newspapers ebola article and rang them up saying you had contracted it... you would be all over the media the next day, they just love it!!!

31-12-14, 12:10
Sorry guys, I shouldn't have started it, I'm in a much better place today and not stressing as much about it...want me to delete this thread? Will leave it up to admin if they want to or I will so as not to worry people etc.

Sorry :blush:

---------- Post added at 12:10 ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 ----------

Was just thinking this today when I saw it on TV! There was such mania for a while. If anyone worried wants to search for Ebola and look at a post I made about it, it'll be worth it. It was a first person account from somebody that knows how the virus spreads explaining how small the chances of catching it are.

Yeah I will have a read of that, thank you.

31-12-14, 12:15
nothing to apologise for crystal.

its another good example of things that are intentionally put out there to create fear in society. to keep you from standing near each other on the tube and distance yourself from other people.

its no wonder so many people have anxiety issues.

31-12-14, 12:18
someone would have to spit blood in your mouth to catch ebola.

handling fluids can be completely safe, its is absolute rubbish that these health workers have been catching it from working with infected patients.

Umm....why/how is that rubbish??

31-12-14, 12:50
nothing to apologise for crystal.

its another good example of things that are intentionally put out there to create fear in society. to keep you from standing near each other on the tube and distance yourself from other people.

its no wonder so many people have anxiety issues.

Yes very good points, I read not so long ago that a large proportion of the UK is now on medication for anxiety and depression - the media have a lot to answer for with that I think.

---------- Post added at 12:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

Umm....why/how is that rubbish??

Yes I wondered that, how do they catch it then?

31-12-14, 12:54
Just thought I'd add my two-pence on this...

Just watched an interview with the chief medical officer for England, and she said this which I think sums it up well..

"Fear is very contagious, Ebola is not"

Everybody have a great New Years!!


31-12-14, 14:03
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=160920 aforementioned post cause it's on the news now and reminded me. Worth a read for anyone afraid.

31-12-14, 14:08
Just thought I'd add my two-pence on this...

Just watched an interview with the chief medical officer for England, and she said this which I think sums it up well..

"Fear is very contagious, Ebola is not"

Everybody have a great New Years!!


LOL love it Ryan!!! Aint that the truth...

Happy new year :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 14:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=160920 aforementioned post cause it's on the news now and reminded me. Worth a read for anyone afraid.

Thank you :)

31-12-14, 14:58
Umm....why/how is that rubbish??

i'll get back to you debbie when my partner gets home, shes a biologist and i cant remember the details except that its a very weak virus and doesnt handle various conditions that the media might warn you about, like you can get it from feces and saliva, which is just not true.

01-01-15, 03:41
i'll get back to you debbie when my partner gets home, shes a biologist and i cant remember the details except that its a very weak virus and doesnt handle various conditions that the media might warn you about, like you can get it from feces and saliva, which is just not true.

It is thought that fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are natural Ebola virus hosts. Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals such as chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest.

Ebola then spreads through human-to-human transmission via direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and with surfaces and materials (e.g. bedding, clothing) contaminated with these fluids.

That's according to WHO.

01-01-15, 16:51
yeah i wouldnt trust the WHO too much, they are not the neutral 'for the common good' type organisation that you might have been lead to believe.

they operate the same as most other governing bodies.

cameron wants fracking-his mates own oil companies. they are all happy and we have to drink polluted water.

an example is when there was during one of the swine flu outbreaks. the WHO-that is practically the heads of pharma and private health care companies-said that not enough people are interested in taking the swine flu vaccine, so their solution to increase vaccine sales was say that there was actually a shortage of vaccines available. that is a fact.

fact is, ebola is a blood born disease and it will only live in very specific conditions and NOT in carcass of dead animals.
the amount of blood cells in saliva that might be infected with the virus would be so minimal that your immune system would handle them comfortably.
the same goes for feces and any other bodily fluid that might carry dead or alive blood cells.

you do know of the massive Kenema bioweapons lab facility in sierra leone set up by the US to develop such virus as ebola? didnt the bbc mention that.

it is more likely that it has been spread intentionally, though not very efficiently by a weapons lab trying to poison the local community and keep the western world out of the west africa profit zone.

if this all sounds a bit far fetched, go and ask someone from hiroshima if they think weapons scientists are lunatics who will happily facilitate genocide.

03-01-15, 01:52
I don't think there is a comparison to a weapon introduced during a world war, which we were also involved in.

I don't doubt that there are far worse bio weapons out there, things with higher efficiency rates than ebola that spread far easier.

It doesn't really mean much to bring the tories into it over fracking either...labour were doing the same before them and so were the governments before them.

Somehow I doubt its a weapons test, I'm sure they would prefer to keep the rest of the world out of them and there have been quite a few outbreaks now with what gain in terms of resources to the west?

The NHS happily explained the media were not giving an accurate picture...and they seem to agree with WHO.