View Full Version : why cant i shake this fear

31-12-14, 07:38
Morning all, I'm convinced Ihave bc, went to drs, two weeks ago he said everything is fine, but I can'tshake this feeling of fear, my doc upped prozac to 40mg, that was aa week ago,any advice, thanx xxxx

31-12-14, 11:58
My advice is to try to trust the word of your Dr who has studied in excess of 6 years for their degree and however many more years of clinical experience.

Part of HA is putting trust back into your Dr.

31-12-14, 13:20
Thank you for the advice, I need to keep telling myself that xxx

06-01-15, 10:34
Morning all, I'm convinced Ihave bc, went to drs, two weeks ago he said everything is fine, but I can'tshake this feeling of fear, my doc upped prozac to 40mg, that was aa week ago,any advice, thanx xxxx

Can I ask about "bc"? What does it mean?

06-01-15, 10:46
Breast cancer