View Full Version : Will the anxiety ever go away?

31-12-14, 11:23
I'm in a constant state of high anxiety. It seems all day everyday. I have all the physical symptoms it seem. I feel so on edge. I take citalopram which helps a bit but I just want this feeling to go away. I'm freaking out about going back to work. Last time I went I let the anxiety get the better of me and I ran away and came home (with permission). Now I'm freaking out about having to do a full day there let alone a full week. I'm scared as hell and although I'm at home this week (alone) I can't even lie in bed or watch TV without the anxiety symptoms as I'm scared they will never go away. I thought if I went to work and managed a full day (I did last Monday before I ran away on Tuesday) then it would feel easier. But the anxiety is just there everyday. I do one day and think 'phew I survived' then start to worry about the next day. I keep thinking that the anxiety will never go away as I'm doing exposure. Or am I not doing it enough? Trouble is the anxiety makes me feel physically ill, drained and sick. I feel like everyone knows I'm on edge. I just want to feel relaxed again and not worry about simple things. I even freaked out going shopping yesterday and I love shopping. Will the anxiety ever leave me alone? I know I have to accept it and get on with things anyway but it is so hard not to fight it as it is getting me down so much. Everyday is a struggle. Will it get easier?

31-12-14, 14:31
Yes it will get easier but like any illness it takes time. Don't worry if some days you don't feel like you have achieved much, just praise yourself for what you have managed to do.
Shops are busy this time of year and not the best place when you are anxious. A little walk out in the fresh air will do a lot of good but eve doing little things when you are anxious makes you feel like you have just ran a marathon!
It will get better!

31-12-14, 16:01
I feel your pain my friend, I'm in exactly the same state. Every creak, every "missed" heartbeat, every ache or pain leads me to full on panic, I'm on constant high alert. I'm dreading going back to work in January as much of my work is alone and physically demanding. I've invited family over this evening to at least try and gain some normality but even that is getting to me now. I felt I'd made major steps after 15 or so CBT sessions, but now I'm back to square one. I know it's swings and roundabouts with this condition, I truly hope you find yourself in a better place soon.

31-12-14, 17:49
It's the being alone thing that gets to me the most. Although there are other teams at work I work and pretty much sit on my own. I also don't have much to do (before this episode I was looking for a new job) and I have time to think and my thoughts go out of control. I then get chest pains and feel nauseous and just want to run. If I'm with family I can take my mind off it but it's still there. I need to go back to work I really do. Someone said if I act normal eventually I will feel it. Is this true? I went to see my nan in hospital this afternoon with my parents. I had a couple of panic inducing moments but could control them as was with my parents. But when I'm by myself I cant. I'm so tired fighting this all the time. I'm so scared it will never go away

31-12-14, 19:00
working can definitely help you when you find that you have to maintain yourself in public. you learn a level of self control but also inform whoever is responsible that you suffer high anxiety and might need the occasional break or some space if you suffer a panic during working hours.

the main benefit is of course that after a long day working either physically or mentally you'll have used up so much energy that it should reduce the 'need' for your brain and body to spend what before could have been built up nervous energy.

07-01-15, 18:59
Remember not to be scared of your feelings and to accept them. Accept that you are anxious and that these are just feelings that you have created in your head - relax into those feelings and tell yourself over and over that it's just a little feeling in your body. Nothing is going to happen to you.x