View Full Version : Can't Stop Worrying/Thinking about my Heart...

31-12-14, 15:27
It may be quite lengthy since I feel I have a lot to cover and there are a lot of dynamics to this. Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to provide any information/support!

It all started on December 1st. I was a frequent marijuana smoker during the past two school years (once a day from September - April). On this day I had a Monster energy drink about 3/4 hours before smoking, and I ended up having a panic attack while I was high. The next day I felt fine but I didn't smoke. On December 3rd, I decided to give it a try again and had another one. Since then I have not smoked or had any caffeine and I have had about 20 bad panic attacks and 5-10 minor ones. Needless to say I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder and I wouldn't hesitate to say I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (I worry about every. single. thing.).

The panic attacks seem to have calmed down a bit (as has my constant worry about them), I have mainly had minor ones/none at all in the past 4 days or so. However, I am left now with a constant sense of worry and the following symptoms:
- Fast heart beat (I went to the gym and just walking/doing light weights I was reaching 101-111. I've been an athlete all my life, and even when running/doing a heavy weight routine I would only reach 70s/80s).
- Worrying about my heart all the time, especially at night. I can't fall asleep at night because I feel/hear my heart beat and it disturbs me far too much and I wonder if it's working correctly. After hours of this and I finally fall asleep, I wake up 6-10 times every night.
- Constantly yellow/dark yellow urine, occasional diarrhea
- Sweaty & Cold feet and hands
- Chest pains
- Constant burping/belching
- Trembling of hands and random bodily twitches
- Constantly red eyes
- Restlessness, constantly have to be moving something/tapping

For reference, I have had a thyroid blood test and it came back normal, as well as an ECG which was apparently normal (my quivering from anxiety just caused wobbles between each heartbeat).

31-12-14, 16:12
I'm watching this thread with interest, I'm exactly the same mate. Stay strong.

31-12-14, 16:37
I'm watching this thread with interest, I'm exactly the same mate. Stay strong.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one :) If you don't mind, could you tell me a bit of your story?

31-12-14, 17:44
Your deffo not alone am like that most days and get so bad am bed bound or home bound had stop working because of it..... Had loads test, and nothing .... Anxiety is evil and sertaline seems be it friend to calm it well was for me , atm am on diazepam that really takes edge of my symptoms can be extreme fatigue or nausea or next min my leg can hurt , had pressure headaches constant fear you name it I've had it in last 2 months but more I accept it the easier it coming, mornings is worst and am lucky to see 3 hours sleep a night the minute am awake am sweating I know it hard but try and take mind of it and enjoy tonight hope you find comfort and someway to control it!!, happy new year pal

01-01-15, 20:52
Hi all
I'm the same but it's really bad today I'm actually convinced I'm gonna have heart attack I've been getting aches in my left inner arm and my left shoulder and jaw , what coupled with palpitations non stop, I'm scared , really scared I want to ring heart health line but they're not open .
I know I have health anxiety, but these symptoms are so real and what I've read online people get left arm and shoulder pain months weeks before .
I've had 3 ecg and blood tests all normal but sone say ecg not reliable x really worried

01-01-15, 23:57
I really hate to hear so many people suffer from this ilness , I have health anxiety quite bad and do seem to focus on my heart also, I have had blood work multiple times, an echocardiagram and a stress test, all fine but I'm convinced most of the time I'm going to die of a heart attack.I battle panic and anxiety symptoms everyday...

04-01-15, 01:21
Thank you to all of you who posted sharing similar experiences and offering some help, I really, really appreciate it. I have also experienced the dull aching pain in my inner left forearm that extends to my finger(s).

I can totally sympathize with these symptoms feeling real; I have never before noticed my heartbeat being so powerful, it literally disturbs me as I try to sleep and even during the day. I went and did a 24-hour Holter monitor and I should be getting the results back within the next two weeks. It seems unlikely that a heart problem would emerge at the exact same time as the panic attacks/anxiety began, so I would think that it is just caused by the anxiety...however, I can never shake the worry off and even if I'm positive and doing relatively well it still happens. In turn, this causes more anxiety and it's really frustrating given that I'm trying desperately to be positive & happy.

Happy New Year to you all as well!