View Full Version : Terrified I have breast cancer

31-12-14, 15:56
Hi, I'm 19 years old and this is probably going to sound ridiculous considering my age and the fact that there is no history of cancer at all in either sides of my family, but I'm genuinely terrified I have breast cancer.

I found a lump in my breast a few months back and I went to the doctor who referred me to a specialist and they just said I have fibrocystic breast changes and naturally lumpy breasts.It hasn't really bothered me too much except for my breasts will be really painful, tender, swollen and lumpy about a week or two before my period, the left one especially.

I don't know why, but I've really fixated on it the past few days. My left breast was always bigger than the right one and when I was doing a breast check the other night, the left breast at the side felt a bit (not a lot) firmer than the right one. I'm not sure if this just has to do with the fact the left breast is bigger than the right one or if it's just because of the fibrocystic breasts (which are absolutely killing me right now).

Also, last night I was checking for lumps under my arms and I felt a few tiny smooth, painless, firm lumps under my left armpit. I have no idea how long they have been there for or anything so I'm slightly freaking out. The lumps in my armpit are higher up in the armpit where my arm folds I guess. I don't think they're lymph nodes because they are not as big as them and you really need to feel deep down to feel the lumps I'm feeling. They're not visible or anything. I'm trying not to freak out because it's probably nothing but ugh I'm just so scared it's cancer :(

Does anyone have any idea if this could be breast cancer? I know I'm only 19 so it more than likely isn't but I just can't stop the thoughts from entering my head :( Any feedback would be really appreciated!

31-12-14, 16:08
Hi there, I also have been having this fear lately, I have same as you, I feel one of my boobs the right one feels very slightly firmer, I went to docs and he said every thing was normal, you probably wouldn't notice it if you wasn't anxious, I spoke to a few women and a nurse about this and they say its normal, its just heightened anxiety making it seem bigger than it is xx

31-12-14, 21:32
Hi there, I also have been having this fear lately, I have same as you, I feel one of my boobs the right one feels very slightly firmer, I went to docs and he said every thing was normal, you probably wouldn't notice it if you wasn't anxious, I spoke to a few women and a nurse about this and they say its normal, its just heightened anxiety making it seem bigger than it is xx

Thank you so much for replying :) I'm fairly sure everything is normal and it's all just part of the fibrocystic breast changes but I just get so scared sometimes :D Thank you so much for your reply :)

31-12-14, 21:39
You are totally normal, you are only 19, it is totally unheard of at your age, please enjoy your life don't let anxiety ruin it, like it has mine, massive hugs xxx

31-12-14, 21:47
You are totally normal, you are only 19, it is totally unheard of at your age, please enjoy your life don't let anxiety ruin it, like it has mine, massive hugs xxx

Yes that's what I keep telling myself. I'm sure everything will go back to normal once I go on my period too but it's not due for another week so I'm afraid I'll be like this until then, if not worse afterwards :( It's just the anxiety makes it so much worse than it actually is :( I wish there was a way to just stop it from ruining my life :(