View Full Version : My Experience with Panic Disorder...

31-12-14, 17:15
It may be quite lengthy since I feel I have a lot to cover and there are a lot of dynamics to this. Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to provide any information/support and/or those who have experienced similar symptoms!

It all started on December 1st. I was a frequent marijuana smoker during the past two school years (once a day from September - April). On this day I had a Monster energy drink about 3/4 hours before smoking, and I ended up having a panic attack while I was high. The next day I felt fine but I didn't smoke. On December 3rd, I decided to give it a try again and had another one. Since then I have not smoked or had any caffeine and I have had about 20 bad panic attacks and 5-10 minor ones. Needless to say I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder and I wouldn't hesitate to say I also have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (I worry about every. single. thing.).

The panic attacks seem to have calmed down a bit (as has my constant worry about them), I have mainly had minor ones/none at all in the past 4 days or so. However, I am left now with a constant sense of worry and the following symptoms:
- Fast heart beat (I went to the gym and just walking/doing light weights I was reaching 101-111. I've been an athlete all my life, and even when running/doing a heavy weight routine I would only reach 70s/80s). This prevents me from working out (even though it is one of the most commonly prescribed things for anxiety) due to the fear that my heart rate will go too high since it already is to high upon starting.
- Worrying about my heart all the time, especially at night. I can't fall asleep at night because I feel/hear my heart beat and it disturbs me far too much. After hours of this and I finally fall asleep, I wake up 6-10 times every night.
- Constantly yellow/dark yellow urine, occasional diarrhea
- Sweaty & Cold feet and hands
- Chest pains
- Constant burping/belching
- Trembling of hands and random bodily twitches
- Constantly red eyes
- Restlessness, constantly have to be moving something/tapping

For reference, I have had a thyroid blood test and it came back normal, as well as an ECG which was apparently normal (my quivering from anxiety just caused wobbles between each heartbeat).