View Full Version : Stitch under left rib and panic is taking over

31-12-14, 18:00
I've been taking Pristiq for anxiety for almost a year, and it's helping me a lot with my health anxiety. Recently though I've developed what feels like a stitch on my left side just under my rib. I felt pain and pressure there for a few weeks, then the pressure went away, and now it's more of a stitch. I occasionally get a stabbing pain there too, but it's pretty mild.

It was quite painful one day, then the next I felt a lot of gas gurgling down my left hand side. Now I'd say it's more sore than anything. Could this have been a blockage of some kind? I'm was eating terribly before Christmas and I stopped cold turkey. I've noticed I've lost 5 pounds in the past three days, and it's more than I could have possible lost, which of course sends me off into a spiral about having cancer.

I'm tempted to run to the emerg just to get reassurance. I've recently had my physical and blood work came out OK. Urine was OK too. Just this nagging pain. I also had an ultrasound last year because I had pain on my right side and they said all of my major organs looked good.

Sorry, this is a saga. I HATE health anxiety. Even with the meds it comes and scares the life out of me.

31-12-14, 18:11
I understand exactly how you feel I have had a niggling pain in my left hand side near my lower rib cage for 7 months since having a kidney infection. I see a chiropractor and I have IBD. My chiropractor has said my diapraghm is tight and the diapraghm is one of the largest muscles in our body and it can be right due to anxiety. If it's tight the pain can in fact radiate down to your ribs.

I am sure you don't have anything sinister and as hard as it is to believe health anxiety can be crippling and with all that adrenalin that pumps around your body it causes muscles to tense up which can have an impact on your ribs. Take some comfort in the fact your bloods came back normal and your scan showed that all your vital organs were normal too, if there was anything sinister it would have been picked up. That's what I keep telling myself

31-12-14, 18:43
I have this on my right and have had it since August. Hasn't seemed to go away and sometimes it makes me worry but overall I'm so bored with the worrying that I'm just sort of like it's there, now.