View Full Version : drs

31-12-14, 18:45
Why am I finding it so hard to believe my doctor, Iwish this fear would go away, rational people would come away from there Dr believing everything he tells them, but not me, I think my Dr hasn't checked me properly, why can't I be at peace with what he said xx

31-12-14, 19:08
Doubting medical professionals is a hallmark HA symptom and behavior. Read through some of the posts and you'll see it.

The question you need to ask yourself is: Are you going to trust scientific test results and a medical professional that has spent 8+ years in an educational institution, 4+ years as an intern and resident, has seen more patients and treated more illnesses than most people can imagine OR are you going to trust a website and search engine to diagnose you?

This is not to say that people with HA don't get sick, they do, but that cold is not lung cancer, that headache is not a brain tumor, that twitch is not ALS etc. etc. Of the tens of thousands of posts I've read, I know of ONE person that actually had something serious going on and she got it treated and she's doing great! Better than that, her anxiety has taken a back seat and she's doing great mentally as well.

Your anxiety has you hyper focused on every little niggle and sensation. Most people don't even flinch nor give a second thought to some of the things HA sufferers experience. All this being said, you do have anxiety. That is the illness that needs to be treated for the thoughts, feelings and doubts to go away.

Positive thoughts

31-12-14, 19:10
^^^^^ What he says

31-12-14, 19:50
Bless you fishmanpa, you are so clued up, Iwish i had you on speed dial, you really talk sense, you make me feel so much better xxx