View Full Version : spending my new year panicking

31-12-14, 19:28
hey all hope you have a fantastic new year and wish you all health and less panic attacks :)

at the minute i am freaking out i feel lost and scared my breathing "dips" for literally a split second what feels forever and my chest seems to feel it slows down like its crashing if that makes sense i get a overwhelmed feeling of terror/other ways adrenaline/excitement i suppose i wish i could look at it as excitement because it really is not i feel so unwell i really believe im dieing right now its not a constant thing its just happening a split second then im back to normal.... 20 minutes later its back again its like my bodys trying to give up but it keeps starting again i feel so alone i dont believe these are panic symtoms at all not one bit in my mind believes it is i have been lieing to myself thinking it is its the hospital saying its anxiety when they only said it was after i told them i suffered anxiety and panic attacks i gave them the excuse i dont even know why im witting this i suppose i have never felt this alone and scared in all my life

01-01-15, 11:04
If its any consolation I am in the middle of my first panic attack of 2015 as well (Happy new year btw). Woke up at 9am after getting to bed at 3am, pulse is 105 but I have had hardly any sleep and drank quite a bit last night so I am putting it down to that, hope you feel better soon, although it doesnt feel like it when you are in the middle of an attack it will pass...it always does