View Full Version : in pain!!!!

31-12-14, 23:38
so today I went for a jog im trying to clear my head and test my self anyway had gone about 1.5 miles when all of a sudden I got this sharp pain right between my shoulder blades! and I mean it was agony! and still is I could barley walk and felt breathless I though it was my heart! anyway went docs and he checked me over heart and lungs did all the test which were clear and he said for a smoker my lung cap was really high and lungs were clear he gave me some stuff to help me stop smoeking and off I went now im sat here in pain thinking I have bone cancer spread from my stomach which I also think I have cancer in omg im a complete joke sometimes:weep:

31-12-14, 23:56
Luke you are not a joke don't ever think like that. I get in my shoulder blades, neck, abdomen.

I am currently in pain with my bowel right now and I'm doing everything in my power not to have a panic attack. Sometimes just talking to people can make you feel better

01-01-15, 00:06
thank you your so nice :) it was horrible I was jogging along happy as anything you know a bit tired im not that fit at the moment then bang it was a sharp pain and I mean complete agony doc never check my back just my lungs and heart

01-01-15, 00:16
Have you taken any paracetamol to ease the pain slightly. How long has it been since you have been for a jog? You could have simply pulled a muscle. Please don't be so harsh on yourself, been kind to yourself you are dealing with a lot right now

01-01-15, 00:20
You've been cleared medically so there's nothing wrong with you aside from anxiety. Please heed your doctor's words, take the meds to help you quit smoking. It's total irony to worry about your health and smoke. Take it from one who's paid the price for tobacco use. QUIT! Look into therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof to help you heal from the real illness.

Positive thoughts and Happy New Year!

01-01-15, 00:32
happy new year fish from sunny England :) I start cbt in a week and hoping it sorts its self out but how long can an appetite take to come back? ive not had one for months even before the meds

---------- Post added at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:31 ----------

been about 2 years since I did any exercise haha but I do a job where im on my feet up to 12 hours at a time so shouldn't be that unfit

02-01-15, 22:10
Running/jogging will use different muscles to those you usually use standing on your feet/working all day. If you haven't run for while, it may also be that you are holding tension in your shoulders whilst running, which could very well cause some good muscle pain. The good thing is that the GP has checked you over and isn't concerned :) And they're helping support you through quitting smoking, which will do wonders for your health.

02-01-15, 22:47
Do you suffer from heart burn/acid reflux this can cause the most horrendous pain in upper back and it can radiate into chest, hope your feeling bit better x

02-01-15, 23:11
I have done but this was more like a trapped nerve feeling if that makes sense im getting there thank you :)

02-01-15, 23:51
Hope you're feeling ok Luke xx

03-01-15, 00:25
its a lot better today been going for long walks instead of running :) thank you for your message its only really bad when I wake up first thing

03-01-15, 00:28
Glad to hear you're feeling better :)