View Full Version : How do I ignore the desire to rub

01-01-15, 01:19
I keep getting strong desires to run away. So I will be at work and my legs will actually hurt to the point I feel like I need to go home. I gave into it last time k was there and am worring about going back next week and not being able to control the desire.

I had my parents and in laws round for dinner tonight. Normally a great even but I suddenly got that desire to run away when my husband mentioned work. Obviously at home I can't actually run anywhere so I normally get into bed and fall asleep to escape that way.

Then yesterday I was out shopping with my mum which I normally love. I got the physical desire to run away again. It's like a restless feeling. I thought before it was a side effect of the metoclopramide I took but I think it's my anxiety getting ahold of me with fight or flight.

When I came home from work that time I was so annoyed at myself that 1. I gave into it and 2. That I'm having these feelings and thoughts. It actually physically hurts. It was 2.30 at work so didn't have long to go and I just wanted to get out of there. I suffered for 30 mins then at 3 I asked to go home and was told yes. I cried the whole way home and must admit I got suicidal thoughts as I just can't go on this way. When I got home I went to sleep and didn't get up till the next morning (where I didn't go to work).

I'm now at the stage where I'm worrying about getting this desire to run and that is causing the anxiety. I'm emetophobic and what I was worrying about before was that I would be sick at work. Although that is still there, I'm now more worried that I won't be able to control this desire to run away. That is what has been keeping my anxiety alive and making it worse recently. I need to control this urge to get my life back. If I don't control it then I don't get any enjoyment out of anything. What can I do?

I'm assuming the desire to run and feelings I get are the fight or flight and part of a panic attack? But I seem to get one after another. I would count well over 10 today and I've mostly been at home

Desire to run not rub!!

01-01-15, 16:34
sounds like classic 'flee' instinct.

when things get too bad or when you are confused and scared then you just need to get away from something that you perceive as a danger.

maybe you need to stick around next time and see for yourself that nothing bad is going to happen?

it is a very obvious aspect of a panic attack that ive had in the past for sure and maybe in part has something to do with claustrophobia?

i would try to ride it out next time and learn how to calm and control yourself when you next have this overwhelming feeling to run.