View Full Version : feeling really bad

01-01-15, 08:15
Why do I feel like I'mgetting worse, iI have been taking meds regular now for nearly 3 weeks, been on 40mg for just over a week, someone help, desperate xxxx

01-01-15, 09:42
Herbie I don't know what to say I feel there are times that I get worse, I understand from reading a members blog it's due to your nervous system becoming sensitised, would definitely recommend that you read his blog it's called the right inner voice.

I have had really painful abdominal pains for the last two days, I do have IBD but I'm trying to everything I can not to have a panic attack as I know that just makes things worse.

I find being able to talk to people that understand what HA is and how it can make you feel is helping me greatly

Hope you start to feel a bit better soon

01-01-15, 10:05
i know how you feel ..i have a ibd as well but i am stressing over a tiny lump in my breast which i found when my big bruise healed.went to gp yesterday and she said it was in her opinion not a cancer lump..why cant i believe her..been referred to breast clinic as a precaution ..she sais she would be really shocked if it was anything else but the trauma of the bruise...finding it difficult to eat as my anxiety hits my tummy

01-01-15, 10:09
Why don't we believe our drs, tthat's what they are there for, its a common occurrence with ha.xxxx

01-01-15, 10:22
i know herbie..and she said to me it did not feel like a sinister lump ..i should be over the moon

01-01-15, 10:28
Yep tell me about it, had mine checked by docs, he said all normal breast tissue, still think there is something wrong, ddidn't even find a lump but still convinced I have BC xxxx

01-01-15, 10:52
We really are our own worst enemies. I bruised my boob by looking so hard and now I have this lump .bruise all gone..it was huge black and purple.

01-01-15, 11:03
Oh my god, bless you, I hate even having a bath now cause I know I will check, stupid illness, I just to feel safe again xxx

01-01-15, 11:15
I know. I keep feeling it too and know I will keep it there if I don't leave it alone.hubby keeps telling me off for touching it

01-01-15, 13:11
Totally relate to all these comments. My fella tells me off when he can see me touching/checking.

I had a bit of a break through over Christmas and feel a lot better with my health anxiety now. I am on week 3 of my new medication and have cut down on my drinking and I feel so much better.

It will pass. Sometimes we get ourselves into a rut with it, I am just coming out of a month long bout of it, I was so bad I could barely function and actually thought I was on the verge of a breakdown. I had a total meltdown in the drs surgery over a mole and I think that was my lowest point.

Keep coming here and talking to us, its what got me through my difficult time.

So many here understand and you aren't alone hun. Stay strong and positive, keep away from the dreaded Dr Google if you can and as hard as it is, really try and do things to distract yourself when those scary thoughts start seeping in.

Massive hugs to you xxx