View Full Version : Anxious, fast heart rate, I can't do this anymore

01-01-15, 16:28
I feel so anxious my heart is beating really fast for well over a year now Iv had palpitations on and off.I get them for a while like pretty bad then they bugger off for abit and leave me alone. They are back again and they feel horrible. I have been so depressed lately with everything. My mood is really low. I feel sad, anxious, on edge and irritable. How long is my life going to be like this ? I'm 25 and I have been like this since I was 18 apparently these are the best years of my life. But my life feels like it's in tatters because of my mental health it's literally crippled me to the point where even though I'm terrified of death I sometimes think what's the point. I feel convinced I'm going to die anyway with all these physical ailments that keep hitting me. I just feel sick and terrified all the time. :-(

01-01-15, 16:34
Oh dearest Sarah your words echo exactly how I feel right now. I'm so scared of dying but life the way it is right now is horrible. HA is crippling and it's hard really hard. I hear your calls of distress, I'm sending you a hug as I know how hard it is. I'm in the throws of trying to stop a panic attack due yo IBD pain I have had since yesterday.

Do you have someone you can talk to a partner, family member, friend when you feel the way you do it's not good yo be on your own.

I'm thinking of you and here to chat anytime. I know it feels like it right now but you are not alone Sarah :hugs:

01-01-15, 17:38
Hi Sarah,

I have read lots of your threads over the months you have been visiting this site. Yes you are in some fab years of your life, but there are many many more to come. I am 36 and I hope my life isn't done and dusted yet :).

Let me ask you a question that I have asked a dozen times on here and let's see if we can work some of this through. What, specifically are you doing to get better from anxiety? What is your strategy and plan? What are you doing to take control, rather than letting it control you?

It seems pretty obvious to me that seven years of mental health struggles warrants a change of tack, so maybe collectively we could come up with a plan for the new year? Think of it like a new get fit routine.

So what is your start point, what are you doing at the moment and then maybe folk can come in and help with ideas? Strikes me that you have overcome the first and most significant hurdle in recognising that there is a mental health issue at play here.

02-01-15, 03:41
Oh dearest Sarah your words echo exactly how I feel right now. I'm so scared of dying but life the way it is right now is horrible. HA is crippling and it's hard really hard. I hear your calls of distress, I'm sending you a hug as I know how hard it is. I'm in the throws of trying to stop a panic attack due yo IBD pain I have had since yesterday.

Do you have someone you can talk to a partner, family member, friend when you feel the way you do it's not good yo be on your own.

I'm thinking of you and here to chat anytime. I know it feels like it right now but you are not alone Sarah :hugs:
Thankyou for your kind words ... The thought of dying is terrifying isn't it? The great unknown. Well in my case I believe in God and am pretty convinced I'm going to hell :-( ... I think what would happen to my beautiful little girl and all the people who I love an who love me it breaks my heart. I realise all my greatest fears are things I can't control, like death and getting sick. Maybe that's my trigger a lack of control. Do private message me if you ever need to talk xxxx

---------- Post added at 03:41 ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 ----------

Hi Sarah,

I have read lots of your threads over the months you have been visiting this site. Yes you are in some fab years of your life, but there are many many more to come. I am 36 and I hope my life isn't done and dusted yet :).

Let me ask you a question that I have asked a dozen times on here and let's see if we can work some of this through. What, specifically are you doing to get better from anxiety? What is your strategy and plan? What are you doing to take control, rather than letting it control you?

It seems pretty obvious to me that seven years of mental health struggles warrants a change of tack, so maybe collectively we could come up with a plan for the new year? Think of it like a new get fit routine.

So what is your start point, what are you doing at the moment and then maybe folk can come in and help with ideas? Strikes me that you have overcome the first and most significant hurdle in recognising that there is a mental health issue at play here.
Hello thanks for taking the time out to write your thought provoking reply ... In the past 7 yrs at first I didn't do much but manage my symptoms of panic. I'm very efficient at warding of full blown hyperventilating panic attacks! I tried cbt a few times but I never seen it through and questioned it's effectness I'm not sure if I didn't work for me or if it's because I didn't give it long enough. I would say the biggest step I made was last year I starting taking sertraline after a very low patch probably the worst I had ever been in at the time and I have to say it was a game changer one of my big fears is unknown medication so it was a massive step for me.. And a few people said they noticed a difference in me. However like an idiot I ran out before I went to Thailand and didn't get my repeat prescription as I was so busy so just stopped taking them to be honest I was feeling alright and thought I would be ok ... I was I didn't have no withdrawal symtoms or anything but now I'm at an all time low. Which I don't just think was stopping the medication as that was 4 months ago Iv had many triggers like moving to a new house and area which I hate! New job ect life has totally changed. But my health anxiety has gone off the scale. People don't understand u don't just think u have a certain illness, you are convinced it's like u know you have it and with that comes overwhelming feelings of terror and depression... The physical symptoms really get to me and I can't quite convince myself they are all anxiety I really believe something is wrong with me and I'm not destined to get old even though I recognise I have a mental illness that has got progressively worse over the years. My life feels like it's in tatters and I'm clinging to my last thread of sanity here I'm pretty desperate to be honest. Atm I'm on a 2 week holiday from work as we have been closed during the festive period (I work in office for home removal company) .. I'm dreading going back because I hate the job and my boss and it's so hard to hold myself together with the anxiety and depression in work. I do do it but it's exhausting. I spend a lot of time indoors away from people like I never go out to nightclubs I used to love that but now I get scared incase some over exuberant clubber wacks me on head by accident or (this is a strange one) I get terrified that the super loud bass is messing with my heart best and I will drop dead in England I read papers one day and a young lad about 18/19 that's what happened to him and he wasn't drunk or on drugs either he was at a family meal he mentioned he had been having palpitations then bam went to a night club and gone ! ... I don't really do much apart from stay in and clean or go to work. I'm always swerving my friends and stuff I'm notorious for not keeping to arrangements .. I make them and they seem like a great idea then closer to the time I think ohhh nooo and dodge whatever it Is I had planned to do. Half the time just feel exhausted and lazy. Sorry for long winded reply I'm now wide awake as my little girl has woke up with a temp, vomiting and diarrhoea she's really unwell all of a sudden. Of course I am now fearing food poisoning as I had stomach cramps before ... Just great :-/ xx

02-01-15, 09:30
If you go to the phobia forum.. i wrote a post about tachycardia ...no one ever posted back to me but i have the same issue..at my age.. its more of an issue.. being young.. i don't think there is much to worry about but fast heart rate at my age scares the crap out of me.I feel your pain... I hope you feel better soon..

---------- Post added at 01:30 ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 ----------

PS.. first of all there is no hell... it was meant to control people.. although im pretty sure there is an afterlife..what kind of God would threaten people to make them do what he says.. not a kind and loving God that I know of..anyway sorry about the sermon.. just don't stress about hell or whatever.. that sounds like much of your problem.. as for how long does this last..lol..i have had fast heartbeat since the age of well since i can remember many many years ago .. and now pushing into 60 .. well you do the math.. sounds like you are under a lot of stress and you need to slow down some and get some rest and if you hate your job quit it.. find another.. sometimes that is enough to make you have fast heartbeat.. stop the caffine and softdrinks or at least cut down..personally i cant stop.. also stop keeping long hours..get some rest.. that and cutting down on the caffine will help a lot and find a job you cant wait to get to.. but anyway end result just feel better.. take care