View Full Version : distortion

01-01-15, 17:25
Why does ha distort your body image, for example something I have probably always had, now feels like it a BC symptom, I wish I had taken my med regular Iprobably would not be feeling like this right now xx

01-01-15, 17:30
when you have anxiety or are feeling the fear of something you feel the need to check yourself and to make to sure that you are ok.

the fact that we find absolutely everything minute thing wrong with ourselves is probably because we are quite healthy but just need to find something-anything!

i feel if something very small is troubling me then at least it means that the rest of me is very much ok ....if that makes any sense at all?

01-01-15, 17:36
Yes Ican see were you are coming from, thank you xx

01-01-15, 20:46
HA distorts everything. It takes all and gives nothing. I have read your threads. I know exactly how you feel. I have had HA for many years and have been through just about every bodily cancer in my head, NO ONE would convince me at the time that I didn't have it. I didn't. I am now in the grip of an ongoing fear. I know the theory. I know how stupid and excessive I'm being but for some reason we can't stop. Bruises come and they are a trauma to the skin. they will leave a lump. You will be so focussed on that spot you will be aware of any minute difference /feel/sensation that is there and even those that aren't. I really truly think you can wipe this one from your worry board. I really hope you can find some peace. We have to try and stop it winning. Thinking of you

01-01-15, 21:24
Thank you Suzie, you sound like you have been through it, its nice to hear from people who can relate to what I am going through, many thanx for your advice, I will try to take it on board xxxx

01-01-15, 21:42
Its a hyper vigilance thing and it affects other anxiety disorders too, for example GAD. A GAD sufferer can focus on symptoms all the time, its just that they won't believe its something more sinister than anxiety but there is a similar effect in that they worry about the sensation itself thus causing increased anxiety.

HA is big on Cognitive Distortions because it brings an obsessive thinking style that narrows thinking away from reality. This is why CBT is so useful because it encourages the use of tools to widen your scope.

01-01-15, 22:41
Herbie, I was reading your post this morning and did not have time to put into words what I wanted to say to you but the just was lack of perspective and distortion.... And here we are��

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