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View Full Version : side effects of meds and panicky

02-01-15, 00:42
I've been feeling a little off all day today. I take only 10 of citalopram. Its only been 17 days. They make me feel so jittery and anxious in the morning and now I feel like I'm going to have a bad panic attack. I've made it up in my mind to try to ride it out. But hating this feeling. And ready to ditch the meds. :mad::mad:

graeme joy
02-01-15, 01:20
i want to try meds to stop my anxiety but i here they have bad side effects??

02-01-15, 10:10
Hi Just Be Me
I'm 4 weeks in to escitalopram for severe anxiety. Dr started me off on 5mg then told me to up to 10mg from 27 Dec. I had hideous side effects, shaking, nausea, foggy head, poor concentration, depersonalisation etc when I started taking them which have reduced but didn't entirely go away. Since upping the meds I've felt foggier, more detached and frankly really scared that I will never get better. I have Dr appt next week and will ask for help. I have been signed off work all this time (can't function well enough to cope) - work stress started this particular anxiety but I don't want to be off too long - escitalopram worked for me 3 years ago...just want my life back!! Any advice would be appreciated :/

03-01-15, 03:54
Im realizing that many would say that give it some time because it takes time for the meds to start to build up in your system enough to work. My only advice is to talk to the Dr that prescribed the meds and let him know that you just aren't tolerating it. I've decided myself to get off of these things. I was taking citalopram and they wanted me to take it short term. I'm reading that its hellish trying to get off of these meds because of withdrawals. It was at that point I decided to get off of these ASAP. Ill bravely deal with the panic attacks the way some have without meds and with the help of a therapist. (I have Xanax, if really necessary)

03-01-15, 19:39
I've been taking Citalopram for almost 2 months now, my advise it to check out the medication sub for that medication specifically, you will find a lot of people posting about side effects, and there is also an amazing amazing amazing Citalopram survival guide.

In short, I went through all kinds of side effects the first month and a half, but it got better I'd say around week 5. My doctor had warned me though, and everyone I talked to online told me it'd been the same for them and it got better.

It got better for me too. Before deciding that the med is NOT good for you, you really need to let it do its thing. The side effects for now feel like the med is "not working" but they're side effects that will eventually stop and then you'll see whether or not the medication is actually helping you out. My doctor gave me a consult for 2 months after starting to discuss stoping it if I wanted to, he was adament that I couldn't decide if it was good or bad before that.

03-01-15, 20:41
you have read the pros now read the cons...same drug lexapro


03-01-15, 22:23
CourierDude I think it's time you stopped this! Googling drugs and symptoms is the worse thing!

Everybody is individual and you are not a Doctor! You have no idea as individuals what we discuss with our GPs and the reason why we take different medication.

All SSRIs are different and unless you have tried them all you can make no certainty on the Pros and Cons of each drug!

Posting your last message can send sufferers into a blind panic especially on a weekend when local GPs are not available, also at this time of night in Britain.

03-01-15, 23:47
you worry about sending someone into a panic but dont seem to care that you are encouraging a life time of misery and drug dependence.

yeah im not googling drugs or symptoms.

i think its time that you stopped saying that it is ok to take ssri's just because your tired, thoughtless doctor has been programmed to sell them from his GSK funded manuals.

tell me, how do you scientifically differentiate between the effects of one ssri and another with any accuracy? i'll tell you-you need to survey 2 million people thats how.
survey. observation, anecdotal evidence and statistics. not very scientific and very chancy. they are immeasurable, inaccurate and there is an inherent uncalculated risk in taking them. fortunately doctors are absolved of any responsibility as long as they follow the pharmaceutical company guidelines otherwise doctors would be very much more reluctant to prescribe them. ask your doctor.

04-01-15, 04:03
This forum is one for Anxiety and Panic and not for scaremongering about drugs

It is totally up to the individual person if they want to take a particular drug, in conjunction with their doctors it is a personal decision so please do not.

Please stop now, it is not helpful

04-01-15, 04:38
I have to say, I feel so much better coming down off of the citalopram. It just wasn't for me.I had taken cymbalta in the past with no problems except for the first couple of days. I came off of them abruptly to with no issues. Zoloft isn't for me either. I was taking them for depression. It truly is an individual makeup on how these are tolerated. As for me, the less chemicals the better. I'm going to tough it out.

04-01-15, 04:44
I have to say, I feel so much better coming down off of the citalopram. It just wasn't for me.I had taken cymbalta in the past with no problems except for the first couple of days. I came off of them abruptly to with no issues. Zoloft isn't for me either. I was taking them for depression. It truly is an individual makeup on how these are tolerated. As for me, the less chemicals the better. I'm going to tough it out.

I read somewhere that you were taking Citalopram for 2-3 weeks only, so it must be a relief to no longer have the side effects you typically get when you start this medication. Just so you know -- these aren't necessarily the drug "speaking", they do stop eventually, for anyone else thinking about maybe trying this type of medication.

I know a few people that have anxiety related disorders and were able to make it work without any medication. It is my goal as well to come off the medication as well and to try alternatives to cope, and my doctor is aiming for that too. At the moment Citalopram is giving me a nice break from all the harm anxiety was causing me. I really was at rock bottom I think, it was that or a psych ward unfortunately. I think this drug most likely saved my life.

04-01-15, 14:08
" i think this drug most likely saved my life"

so its ok to promote things on here but not

"i think this drug most likely made my child suicide"

is that right? not trying to scare a single person and i would recommend all people over the age of 12 talk to their doctor about getting on some!

yes-because that is what you guys do-openly promoting the use of ssri's.

saved your life! now go and save the life of 'depressed' 12 year olds who cant get their fav rock star to facebook them back : (

04-01-15, 15:13
" i think this drug most likely saved my life"

so its ok to promote things on here but not

"i think this drug most likely made my child suicide"

is that right? not trying to scare a single person and i would recommend all people over the age of 12 talk to their doctor about getting on some!

yes-because that is what you guys do-openly promoting the use of ssri's.

saved your life! now go and save the life of 'depressed' 12 year olds who cant get their fav rock star to facebook them back : (


With all due respect, your "passionate" views have gone a bit too far IMO and others. Admin has asked that you chill out and it's probably for the best to do so at this point.

You've been very helpful on many posts/subjects prior. I'm not sure what's happened but something has changed and unfortunately, not for the better :(

Positive thoughts

04-01-15, 15:25
" i think this drug most likely saved my life"

so its ok to promote things on here but not

"i think this drug most likely made my child suicide"

is that right? not trying to scare a single person and i would recommend all people over the age of 12 talk to their doctor about getting on some!

yes-because that is what you guys do-openly promoting the use of ssri's.

saved your life! now go and save the life of 'depressed' 12 year olds who cant get their fav rock star to facebook them back : (

You're not alone in your views but they are clearly not helping many people here. If you're interested, I suggest you read a book called The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz. I studied in as part of my Masters and you should find it interesting as it theorises about the over-medicalisation of mental illness in a constructive and thought-provoking way. It might help you to consider similar and counter opinions and the impact on individuals in different situations, and to express your own views in a way which supports people rather than annoys them, as it seems to be doing.


04-01-15, 15:46
hi fishman pa, can i tell you what has changed?

listening to people chanting the wonders of experimental medication.

years ago i found alcohol was a seriously good way of averting panic attacks-but i am not going to suggest to anyone that they just have a couple of drinks and chill out!

i am very 'chilled out' when typing away. im not here to upset myself or anyone else, but i do think that the advocation of ssri is irresponsible.

they are drugs that have been pumped into mainstream use and are distributed quite casually to anyone who has a down day and it has become perfectly acceptable in society to take a little pill to get over the realities of life with its ups and downs. im sure in certain circumstances that some sort of pharmaceutical intervention is need in mental health cases but what i read more and more is that they are suitable for purpose for just about anyone.

when i start seeing posts from 18 year olds or younger who have just split with their partner or having a problem at home and they are already on prescription drugs i am not surprised or shocked, though just because it is happening doesnt mean that it is right.

im not out on a crusade, i just think ssri's are best avoided unless you have an absolute out of control desire to hurt yourself or other people-and even then the treatment is completely unpredictable.

im not even passionate about this subject-very much more realistically saddened that you have all been suckered into it.

people saying that they have taken them for years with no side effect-well how would you know? you would have to know what it is like to live throughout the same period without them to know that.

im saying that they are detrimental to society.

if people are unhappy about something-take a pill to forget it? i compared the use of ssri's to electro shock therapy but its actually a chemical lobotomy thats become an acceptable western standard.

04-01-15, 15:56
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and debate and we are all for that, the fact is that you are forcing your opinions on people and not accepting any other peoples opinions either

Courierdude you have been asked on both threads you are commenting on to stop..... you have made your point.

keep going and you will be banned from the thread.

04-01-15, 16:05
i accept other peoples opinions on the subject but i am not going to pretend to agree with them.

04-01-15, 16:17
you do not have to agree with them but you have made your point now and it is just going around in circles now so please move on from the thread