View Full Version : HPV positive and worried sick.

02-01-15, 01:44
I was recently shocked by the news that I am hpv positive. It seems that a majority of sexually active people contract some strain of hpv in their lifetimes (around 70-80% of sexually active people, in fact) and it usually resolves itself within a year or two.
I have an appointment to be further examined on the 11th of April. At first I took the whole thing pretty well, but I just had a little freak out on my living room floor.
You see, I've also had some recurrent yeast infections. This can be a sign of HIV. I'm really, really biting my fingers over it. Even cried a little. I know that there can be many causes of recurrent yeast infections- some as benign as wearing tight undies- but I'm still extremely worried.
I can't get screened for HIV unless I get it called in by my doctor, and I wouldn't be able to talk to her about it until the 11th of next month. I'm also scared that I might have a high risk form of HPV, though that is less common than the low risk forms.
As I said in my introduction, my worries are not entirely without warrant. I have some really supportive friends who live with me and know what's going on, but I don't want to shove all of my stress onto their laps.
I'm just a little overwhelmed, right now, and I need some people to talk to.
Edit: I am not entirely sure that I posted this in the correct area of the forum. If I did not, I apologize. Newbie issues, heh :P

02-01-15, 02:10
Can I ask what are the symptoms of HPV? I am also having anxiety over HIV, I have a one and only anal sex encounter 7 years ago , I was only the insertive. Do you have multiple sex exposures?

02-01-15, 05:10
Hi there, I had cervical screening a few years back and had some pre-cancerous cells. Where it was discovered I have hpv 16 which is the high risk kind. As far as I am aware there are no symptoms. When I last had a smear about a year and half ago they said I looked fine and I'm sure I was re/tested for hpv and it came out negative this time. Slightly bizarre. Anyway I wouldn't panic to much if I was you . I get thrush myself at anything so it's extremely unfounded fear. One of my good friends is HIV positive herself and she very rarely gets thrush. I know it's easy for me to say but please try and remain calm x

02-01-15, 12:54
You're 100% right the 80% of sexually active people either have or have been exposed to HPV. And there are two strains that put people at risk later in life. You're also correct that the high risk strains are very rare. I was one of the unlucky ones who did have an issue (H&N cancer) but it was also my lifestyle (ex-smoker, drinker etc.) that contributed. Ironically, the fact that I had the virus was an advantage in that those that have it respond very favorably to treatment and I did.

You're at a huge advantage being female in that it can actually be detected/diagnosed. There's no test for men. There is however a vaccine and it's effective but only if you don't have the virus. You're also at a huge advantage that you have a doctor that will take the initiative and take care of business and monitor you. Having HPV in no way indicates anything sinister above and beyond that.

Those anxiety sufferers reading take some words of wisdom. Common sense prevails. Safe sex, don't smoke and don't drink (drinking and anxiety don't mix anyway).

Positive thoughts

03-01-15, 05:00
Hey thanks, everybody. I've calmed down a lot.
Even if it does turn out to be high risk, we detected it pretty early (my last tests were all negative). I must have contracted it within the last year or so, which would make it much more manageable.

Sarah, I'm sorry to hear that your friend has HIV. Things came into perspective a while after I made this post. It's pretty unlikely that I have HIV. It's not like any of my ex partners called me up and told me that they had a positive test, or anything. There's a hundred reasons why I might be getting repeated infections. I'm going to take some preventative measures and see if I stop getting 'em. Talking to my doc about it couldn't hurt either.

Fishmanpa, I'm definitely going to discuss those vaccines when I see my doc. Positive thoughts right back at ya :) Sorry to hear that you struggled with cancer. I don't smoke and I rarely drink, so we're good on that mark. When I told my buddy about it, he wanted to help me get in really good shape so that I could fight it off more easily. I think I'll take him up on that offer.

Otutuab, like Sarah said, there often aren't any. The only reason why I have any clue that I've got it is because I went in for a pap and they happened to test for it. There is no test for men, so tons and tons of guys carry it with no clue. It's also highly contagious.

It's a bit like the common cold of STD's. The only real problem with it is that it can increase the risk of cervical cancer, and some strains can cause warts. This one doesn't seem to, which is kinda nice, haha. The immune system often fights it off within a year or so, and the whole thing (usually) culminates in a big nothing.

Anyway, thanks so much for your thoughts, everybody. I feel a lot more chill about the whole thing. I'm also going to be a lot safer about sex in the future. Take care, all <3