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View Full Version : Stomach pain 3 days in a row

02-01-15, 06:28
Morning all

So this is the third day I have woken up before six am due to stomach pain and sweating. I have IBD and thought I was getting better I had a faecal calprotectin score of 391 in the summer this is the marker they use to detect inflammation in your bowel somewhere. I had a test redone in October and the score came back as 70 the normal range is anything between 0 - 50. So my inflammation has reduced considerably and I had started to progress and feel better but over the last three days I feel my health and the stomach pains have got worse. I am very frightened that the doctors have missed something as I do have a swollen lymph node above my collarbone.

I feel so sick that I have not eaten in three days which has resulted in me losing 4lbs of weight. Can this really just be IBD/IBS does anyone else out there suffer with it. Some words of advice right now would be hugely appreciated. I am in my 6th day of not having a panic attack and that is a huge achievement for me as when it was bad a few weeks/months back I was having upto 5 attacks in a day.

Please help even if it is just to put my mind at rest that nothing seriously sinister is going on inside my body.

Thanks a very distressed, overtired HA sufferer.

02-01-15, 11:46
hi there:) I feel really sorry for you it sounds like your having a really bad time! ive lost 3 pound over night last night but weight is stable and never below 14.60 what you do need to do is eat! its making you worse! not like I can talk I have zero appetite atm and am forcing food down! what foods do you like? are you drinking water?

02-01-15, 12:38
Iv had pains and diarrhea for days now.last time i went dr over it just said it was ibs thats it but am goin bk next week cos its doin my head in now .keep thinkin bc or cc its so bad when am doin ok not panicking sleepin better so its just the runs and iv missed my period to so thats the only things getting me down .hope u feel better soon and u got to eat cos that will make u feel worse believe me .