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02-01-15, 16:00
I'm so chuffed with myself I went to the gp to sort my anxiety and depression and he prescribed me citalopram
He's arranging weekly appointments for me to go and have check ups with him and also mentioned next time he will sort cbt for me

Does anyone else take citalopram and can give me positive feedback from it?

02-01-15, 16:09
You Go Girl!!

I can't tell you about the med but that's so awesome that you took the first steps toward healing :D Way to go!

Positive thoughts

graeme joy
02-01-15, 16:44

02-01-15, 16:49
Thanks guys ☺️☺️

I just can't carry on like this anymore so I needed to do something

02-01-15, 17:03
We'll done x

graeme joy
02-01-15, 17:06
You will be fine and soon

02-01-15, 17:38
I'm just so anxious to Start the tablets for some reason, I'm going start tomorrow morning instead of this evening, nt to sure about the side effects and the doctor said they could make me worse before they make me better which I'm not too keen on, got to stay somewhere though right?

02-01-15, 22:27
Great job! :) A fantastic step to take and now you are truly on the road to recovery. Regarding the medication, citalopram is an SSRI. This family of medications is known to have the least amount of side-effects in terms of medications used to treat mental illness. In some people, the anxiety can get worse before it gets better (maybe for a week), but most people won't notice any worsening of symptoms after starting. All you can do is give it a chance :) SSRI medication can take a few weeks to start working, so the sooner you start, the sooner you'll know if it is the right one for you.

02-01-15, 22:29
Brilliant. This could be a big turning point for you Bingjam :-)
one step at a time & Keep us abreast of yr progress :-)

03-01-15, 00:03
I'm just so anxious to Start the tablets for some reason, I'm going start tomorrow morning instead of this evening, nt to sure about the side effects and the doctor said they could make me worse before they make me better which I'm not too keen on, got to stay somewhere though right?

Hey, well done on taking the step and trying to do something to help with your anxiety.

Citalopram does help many people, but as your doctor said it may get a bit worse before it gets better, its just while your body gets used to the medication and then hopefully everything should settle down. I have been on it myself and came off it a while ago now, it is a bit of trial and error trying to find which anti depressant works for each person as everyone is different but hopefully this one works for you.

I try and stay from all medication now but that just me, the SSRIs can definitely help people get to a better place where they can then work on their anxiety and try to get better.

Hope it works out for you, good luck :)

03-01-15, 00:07
Well done in taking the first step! I went to my GP on Tuesday after months of suffering in silence. He prescribed me Sertraline which I've never had before. Here's hoping this is the start of our recovery xx

03-01-15, 08:19
Thank you for all the replies guys, I have a phobia of swallowing tablets, it takes me a whole glass of water countless heaving and a lot of panic to swallow a quarter of a paracetamol, even then I normally just give up on the other three tiny pieces,

So I'm getting worked up on actually swallowin the tiny things never mind the stress of actually having a tablet in my body which I've never had, I have a little fear of the tablet being poisoned which I've always had, maybe that's by I have such a big phobia of swallowing tablets maybe??

After a few days I hope that it gets a bit easier for me,

03-01-15, 13:50
Good on you for going to see the Dr! I know how tough it can be.

Good luck with the medication, my boyfriend has been taking citalopram to help with anxiety and he said it has helped him loads :) He was having severe panic attacks and we couldn't even go for a meal or to the cinema as those were triggers but he is so much better now we can do all of those things together and we even managed to go on holiday on a plane and he was fine.

As with all medication, it can take some time before you start to feel better and some medication can make you feel a little worse before you feel better (I am on my third week of Sertraline and I felt worse for the first 2 weeks but I am LOADS better now :))

Stay strong, good luck and keep it up xx

03-01-15, 15:29
I genuinely believe that at one point Citalopram saved me from I don't know what, I was pretty desperate.

It takes a few weeks to work and I would suggest taking it in the morning if you can remember as it gave me chronic insomnia for the first week or so. So much so that I ended up going to the GP having not slept for four days and he couldn't believe I was advised to take them before bed.

When they were working I can best describe the sensation as a sense of indifference. I sort of lost the extremes of emotion, and was much more neutral in my response to almost anything.

When you withdraw from them do it quite slowly to minimise any side effects, but even and side effects you do experience are temporary and fade quickly. Well done though, the most important step that anyone on this forum makes is the first one :)