View Full Version : Dripping

graeme joy
02-01-15, 16:59
I regularly experience like a dripping in my head and i worry it could be something serious and also blood when i sneeze. The dripping and liquid sensation in my head really scares me. Can anyone give me reassurance??

02-01-15, 17:54
you need to get to the doctors because ive never had anything like that before but others might have it might just be an infection or burst blood vessel :)

graeme joy
02-01-15, 19:17
yes i will for piece of mind. I worry its something serious.

02-01-15, 19:44
dont we all I think I have all sorts at the moment but im sure you will be ok:yesyes:

graeme joy
02-01-15, 19:47
What do you feel you have? IM hoping the dripping is just to do with sinus.

02-01-15, 21:30
If you are actually dripping a clear liquid from your nose, then surely that will be a runny nose or sinus issues. A little bit of blood when you sneeze is often just a burst blood vessel caused by the sneeze.

You have mentioned that you have a lot to cope with at the moment and it does sound like it might be worth seeing your gp both about how you are feeling physically and your anxiety. I am sure he/she will be able to reassure you.

graeme joy
02-01-15, 21:43
dripping sensation is in my head

06-01-15, 04:11
Thanks for responding to my post. I also get this a lot, and feel almost like something is leaking. I don't know what it is but at least you know you're not the only one:)

graeme joy
06-01-15, 05:09
thankyou liv