View Full Version : Is it normal to feel this detached, weird, numb etc after a panic attack?

02-01-15, 18:29
I've had panic disorder for 2 years and I have had some bad attacks but nothing like the one I had 2 days ago on NYE. I went for a nap after feeling so drained after a good cry and I woke up about 30 mins later with extreme tummy cramps and diarrhea and my heart pounding so hard and fast. After going to the toilet I had the worst panic attack of my life. I felt like I was still dreaming and started slapping myself to try and wake up even though I knew I was awake and I actually thought I was dying. I've had panics were I thought I was gonna collapse but never one were I actually thought I was going to die on the spot. I kept grabbing my phone to go and call an ambulance. My partner thankfully reassured me that it was just a panic, no matter how real it felt and that it probably felt worse because I woke up from a nap and got up too quick. I slowly calmed down and within half an hour it was gone other than the drained feeling.

2 days on I still feel weird. My anxiety levels still feel high but I have had bad attacks before (they were fun compared to this one) and felt a bit odd and drained for a few days after it but I feel a lot worse after this one. I think the exhaustion from crying before the nap (it was from grief and I never felt right after that cry), waking up from a nap (I sometimes feel a bit spacey after a nap) and today I got my period probably all added to the attack. I keep trying to tell myself that my brain is just tired after it and that's why I feel weird. I keep saying to myself that my brain got battered and needs a wee while to recover just like your body does after a fight. I feel detached, on edge, knackered, scared, kinda dream like and just not quite right. I've slept and hoped that would help but it doesn't really. I think maybe I have dp/dr. Its worrying me and I want rid of it and to be back to my normal self but I know that is probably making it worse. I've went out since it happened so I don't fall back into being housebound or anything.

I'm just so scared I will feel like this forever even though I know I wont if that makes sense? Has anyone else ever felt like this after a severe attack?

02-01-15, 19:34
it doesnt last forever. try make the most of your time between panics.
if youre not already then its a good idea to try conduct a healthy lifestyle and minimise your symptoms.

its unbelievable sometimes how draining a single panic attack can be. i used to feel like i had just been electrocuted or something afterwards. i think its the adrenaline still humming around that makes you feel a bit drugged and spaced out though i m sure there are other other naturally produced chemicals responsible.

it doesnt last forever.

i had a 10 year break once between panic attacks and high anxiety and didnt give them a second thought for the whole time.

you have to take control of your brain that is trying to take control over you.

learn to breathe properly into your stomach and learn how to occupy yourself if you feel a panic coming on and you will gain a good level of control.

always remember that its only fear that you feel-isnt actually anything bad, just the fear of it.

02-01-15, 23:14
Yeah its deffo the fear of having another panic attack that bad that gets to me. I know health wise I am fine so have nothing to worry about but the feelings you get during a panic are so strong and hard to shake off. I am starting to slowly come around. Playing video games and watching movies is helping distract me.

03-01-15, 04:06
I've felt like this. And truly your body, because of all of the adrenaline, and your brain are being battered. Its an exhausting cycle. But I don't think it will last forever, you just have to find your way off of that ride.

03-01-15, 14:50
I went out for a walk today myself, just around the block for ten mins and that seemed to perk me up a bit. Since that panic attack the other day there I have been a bit panicky while in my car (as a passenger) but I have felt like that before and I know the more I go in the car again the sooner I will be fine again. Its weird what things can give you panic attacks after a severe one.

03-01-15, 16:29
i think the sitting in a car thing is a good example of not being in control.
when you go walking around the block it is you that is in charge of things, you make all the decisions and do not feel trapped or under someone elses guidance.

get into a car with someone else driving and i think that you start to wonder 'have i lost control?' obviously yes, but i think that your brain over reacts to the situation and can make you nervous.

i think even people that dont suffer with panic attacks suffer with this when they are usually the driver and then confined to the passenger seat.

repetition trains your brain to accept that there isnt the danger there that it first perceived and eventually you just dont worry about it even.

go for some longer walks as the days are getting longer, burn off some nervous energy and stimulate your brain with different surroundings and there potential outcomes.

some physical activity does me so much more good than running to a pill cupboard.

03-01-15, 16:53
I went back out for another walk and then a drive with my partner. It really helped me and I didn't panic when out. Hoping I'm heading back to the way I was before this attack now :)

03-01-15, 17:09
I have just experienced a very similar thing myself today after waking up from a nap.

Was horrible. Hope you are feeling better now

03-01-15, 17:12
Sorry to hear you went thru something similar today. It really does scare you. Panic attacks that wake you up or you get soon after waking up seem to feel more intense than during the day panics :(

04-01-15, 04:43
When I had the attacks like that, its crazy how I couldn't bear being in my own house by myself let alone try going anywhere. Its a wild dollar coaster ride, and I want off the ride and stop the cycle of fear.

04-01-15, 23:35
I've decided to make a chart and grade everything I have done over the last few days such as how scary it was going in the car, visiting my gran etc and watch the score go down as the days goes by just like they always have after a big attack and then hopefully my confidence will come back. I hate this spacey feeling even though I know its nothing to worry about and its normal with a bad panic attack but damn, its still scary and draining though me feeling like that is only adding to it and making it last longer so I'm trying my best to distract myself from it but also teach myself what all these physical and mental effects of anxiety mean and that they shouldn't be feared.

07-01-15, 17:17
Its been a week now since that awful attack and I've still got that weird spacy feeling which I'm assuming is DP or DR. I've still been able to do things like go into shops and go out in the car but I feel worse at night and in my flat which sucks. Probably because this is where the attack happened. I took a similar attack last night while drifting but managed to talk myself out of it which was a relief. Just wish this spacy feeling would leave.