View Full Version : Scratchy Throat on one side, mercury taste in mouth?

02-01-15, 20:53
Hey everyone, first time poster, but I've read a few threads and this seems like a pretty active community so I was hoping you guys could give me some peace of mind.

I've had GAD and HA for most of my life, with fears jumping from testicular cancer, to lymphoma, to lung cancer, and now I'm on throat cancer. I'm almost 29, and the anxiety is really driving me nuts. I'll go for years without having a relapse into HA, but when it comes back, it comes back with a vengeance. Currently I'm not in full blown panic mode, but I fear I'm getting closer. Obviously, I want to prevent that, as it can be debilitating.

Basically, about 3 years years ago I discovered a scratchy sensation in the left side of my throat, just below my Adam's Apple. I can't feel it when I eat or drink, or when my throat is hydrated, but if I move my adam's apple I'll feel the scratchy sensation. It doesn't feel like the typical "globus" or anxiety induced lump in throat sensation, but when I get that, it feels more prominent. I have no other symptoms, such as trouble swallowing, no neck mass (besides a few palpable nodes I've had forever), no fever, no coughing up blood, and no hoarseness. I've seen two doctors about it when I first discovered it and they said it was due to my post-nasal drip. I also had an ultrasound done at the time, and it came back clear. I also have chronic allergies and congestion in my sinuses. I have never smoked, nor am I a heavy drinker and I live an active lifestyle (although my diet needs work haha).

Despite this, for some reason, I am worried about throat cancer again. The feeling hasn't gotten worse, and no new symptoms have appeared, except I can sometimes taste mercury in my mouth. When I taste this I try to spit and the spit is clear, with no trace of blood.

I'm worried that maybe the sensation was a tumor or some other sort of lesion in my throat and the doctors were wrong. I know it sounds crazy for cancer to sit in your throat for 3 years and not spread or get worse... but I'm having trouble shaking the feeling that something is really wrong.

Any insight would be very welcome.

Thank you very much.

02-01-15, 21:09
do you actually have any reason to believe that you have a cancer?

i dont want to sound patronising because ive just been accused of it, but its the title of your thread... do you actually know what mercury tastes like or is it how you imagine it to taste?

i smoke and ive sometimes got a scratchy throat and even though i now why i have to wonder if its anything worse. mine comes and goes and that points to it not being cancer as it would get progressively worse.

my recent panic experiences have been based around problems with my throat, sensation of swelling, swallowing uncomfortably and shortness of breath. i went to 2 different doctors about it and as powerful as the sensation is i was assured that my throat was clear and it was jsut throat muscles tensing up. constantly for days at a time-all down to anxiety!

im over it now for a good week or so, i started to drink water again and even only doing a litre a day has helped no end.

check your throat with a torch once a week and learn how it is supposed to look with all its weird bumps and lumps and you'll then know when something is amiss.

02-01-15, 21:48
I'm guessing the mercury taste is metallic. Maybe I should have described it like that instead.

I went through a big phase where I convinced I had cancer in my tonsils because one was barely larger than the other, so I spent ages looking at my throat with a flashlight. But I can't see down into my larynx... if I could I'd hopefully have peace of mind by now. It's that lingering sensation in that area of my throat that's got me worried. It's persisted for such a long time.

I guess I don't really have a reason to believe I have cancer other than that sensation. But do anxiety sufferers really need one to get panicked about something? I have moments of lucidity where I can somewhat think rationally and calm myself, but not always.

02-01-15, 21:49
It would be really rare to get throat cancer at 29, especially if you don't smoke or drink much. If you have no other symptoms, think about it logically... the rational answer is that you don't have throat cancer.

02-01-15, 22:41
Hi there,

I don't think that reassuring you is really going to help - your worry will just switch to something else. The most important thing is to get help for your anxiety, if you haven't already. Have you discussed how you feel with anyone or mentioned it to your GP?


03-01-15, 00:00
Yeah, seen two GPs when I first noticed the feeling and they both said it wasn't likely to be anything sinister. Neither of them were particularly concerned and said it was probably irritation from post nasal drip.

I see a therapist and I take 75mg of venlafaxine, which is probably why I'm not in full blown panic mode. I just can't stop the "what if" thoughts sometimes.

03-01-15, 01:41
Is it inside your throat? Do you feel it when your throat is dry?

When I was reading your post, my first thought was allergies. Then you said you had chronic allergies :)

To me, it seems like irritation which would be allergy related (and also related to the post nasal drip). The metallic taste could very well be due to the medications you take, so it may be worth asking about that as a possible side effect.

Since your docs aren't concerned, I don't think you should be. But of course, we've all been there. When you feel yourself starting to worry, try to distract yourself and take your mind off of it completely - whatever it takes.

03-01-15, 02:11
Yep. I feel it inside, especially when my throat is dry. I've also just read that metallic tastes can come from acid reflux and heartburn, both of which I suffer from.

I'm guessing if it were a tumor it probably wouldn't depend on whether or not my throat is dry...

I've slowly learned to try and accept a diagnosis, but you're right, it can be tough sometimes.

03-01-15, 02:11
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it let up once it takes hold. You would be very ill or six feet under in three years if this were sinister. That being said, anxiety is about as sinister as it gets. The dragon lies to you and keeps you captive as long as you believe him and allow him to do so.

Positive thoughts