View Full Version : One tonsil larger than the other

02-01-15, 21:07
Just over a year ago I went to the gp because I noticed one tonsil was larger than the other.. one was hiding behind its bed thing and the other wasn't.

Turned out I had an infection but I actually had no pain at all. Went back to the gp a couple of weeks after who said the infection had gone. Showed the dentist as well who wasn't concerned.

I just got the bright idea to look at it again a year later and it is still larger than the other :( however, it hasn't grown any more.

02-01-15, 21:42
Just did a quick Google and found a medical reply which said that in a survey of 240 children who were having their tonsils out, 47 appeared to have tonsils that were different sizes. However, when the tonsils were weighed and measured after removal, they were in fact the same size. Conclusion was that different sized tonsils were actually an optical illusion, resulting from how they sit in your throat.

I would think that doctors and dentists especially would know what issues to be concerned about with tonsils. In the absence of other symptoms I wouldn't worry about different sizes.

02-01-15, 21:53
That's great, thank you :)

I assume that it would have grown a lot or I would be very ill if I have had it for over a year?

02-01-15, 22:22
Had you ever looked at your tonsils before the infection? I only ask, because my tonsils look completely different, and there is certainly nothing wrong with them :) it might just be normal for your tonsils to look that way, but maybe you only noticed at a time when you were unwell.

02-01-15, 22:35
No, I never looked before.

02-01-15, 22:40
Now that the infection has gone, which has been confirmed by your GP, I would be inclined to think that this might be 'normal' for your tonsils. Most parts of the body are not completely symmetrical, including tonsils.

03-01-15, 11:33
My left tonsil is larger than the other and has holes in it. I saw 2 Ent specialists, they both said I have craggy tonsils and it's normal.

03-01-15, 12:29
That's great, thanks Popejoan.

I keep trying to tell myself that if after a year there has been no change it has to be ok as tonsil cancer would grow in a year, not stay the same.

I have a dental check up in two weeks time and I am sure he will notice if something is wrong.

Also, a year ago I saw a ENT specialist for a lesion on my mouth which turned out to be nothing as usual and she had a good look in all my mouth and then did the same 6 months later and discharged me. I guess she would have noticed too?

I am going to try very very hard not to shine a torch down my throat again! It just leads to trouble. I had a moment of weakness.

03-01-15, 13:02
She would have noticed, yes. I was the same, I was obsessed with oral cancer a little while ago as I thought I might have a high risk hpv strain in my throat. I used to look into my throat with a flashlight all day and poke my tonsils with cotton buds. I have a lump sensation and a weird taste in my throat as well and it turned out to be post nasal drip. You can stop worrying about it, you do not have the symptoms.

03-01-15, 14:51
Thank you for taking the time to reassure me. I really appreciate it x

03-01-15, 16:12
Hi,hypo i also has have one tonsil larger than other.

03-01-15, 16:26
Hi,hypo i also has have one tonsil larger than other.

Has it been like that for a while?

I guess most people won't even notice if they have one bigger than the other as they don't shine torches down their throats :D

05-01-15, 15:36
I has have this from one year and how yours? I also has have whitesh looking back wall of throat with lump feeling. But that area is looking pink where that lump has.

05-01-15, 18:03
my tonsils are massive but don't cause me any bother doctor said to have them out but they never flair up so just going to leave them alone

07-01-15, 06:54
I too have one bigger than the other. My tonsils are very big but dont really bother me. Having said that, recently, maybe for 3/4 months, I have been getting huge and constant tonsil stones. They are disgusting andthey stink. I squeeze them off with a cotton bud as I cant bear the tickling sensation in my throat. I took one off the other day and as it came out, another two appeared! Anyone know why they have suddenly started appearing?

07-01-15, 08:31
I just removed the most gigantic stone from my son! it was horrid..

If I was you I would think about getting them removed.. once they have crates in them they are going to keep reappearing.

I don't know why they suddenly come up. You could also buy a water pik to wash them out with every night to help stop more forming.

I still have one bigger than the other and still worrying lol

14-01-15, 15:44
Dentist tomorrow for a check up. Petrified they will say my tonsil is cancerous.

14-01-15, 16:45
I have a tonsil that is slightly larger than the other, and I went through the same fear as you about 3 years ago. I think it's a common thing, despite the advice found on wonderful sites like WebMD. I had a couple doctors check it out and they said my tonsils looked completely normal. My dentist, who I've seen multiple times since, has also said they're fine.

I think one tonsil would have to be grossly larger than the other to indicate something sinister, as well as having a stony-hard texture. I know Googling is generally very very bad for anxiety sufferers like ourselves, but if you ever look at pics of tonsil cancer it seems to have a pretty distinct look, that often involves more than a slightly asymmetrical tonsil.