View Full Version : Heart vs Head

02-01-15, 23:35
Hi, this is my first time posting here.

I'm 26yrs old and 6wks ago I accidently took the wrong dosage of medication prescribed to me for kidney stone which in turn caused me to faint. I was seated on floor so just fell sideways grazed above and below my eye and grazed my elbow. Went to Hosp, got checked out and went home.

The following day around lunch I felt nauseas, dizzy, shaky and my heart was racing. I went to bed and slept, woke feeling slightly better. On the Friday (next day) same thing happened while trying to get my lil guy ready for school. I called the ambulance. Went to Hospwwhere they did ECG, monitored me, chest xray, bloods, urine etc...all they could find was elevated heart rate. They were gonna discharge me but I was worried of dizzy so admitted me to ward, monitored, did reg ECG etc...during that night I felt nauseas, boiling face, feeling hot but feelingcold and shaky and stuff. Next day iIwas sent for chest ct which also was clear and iI went home. By the next day I was arguing with myself in my head about whether I needed to go to hospital or not cos I felt like death. By the arvo I couldn't do it anymore and went up.

They put me thru straight away cos of rapid heart rate did bloods, urine, ECG and then the doctor got ultrasound machine and looked at kidneys, gall bladder (which has a stone in it) and heart. All of which he said look normal. A specialist of some kind came in with a different ultrasound that showed the heart in blue and red and also said looks fine. He did the neurological stuff like me touching my nose touching his finger, jumping on one foot and then he looked right in my eyes with torch. All good sent me on my way.

I had a cpl of days fighting my feelings, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. For a few days I was dizzy, shaky, heart racing, loss of appetite, jelly legs and couldn't really do anything. One of the nights I ended up at hospital scared. I was shaking, short of breath, dizzy, heart racing and when I got there they asked if I was having a panic attack? I didn't know, all I knew is I thought it was the end and I fear that ALOT. I'm only 26, have a 5yo son, due to be married to partner of 9yrs in March etc...they took me thru and did ECG and urone which were clear and spoke to me of anxiety. Sent me home. I felt reassured for a little while but still struggled all those symptomsand really thought iI was gonna die or something terrible happen to me.

Well...I ended up there once more and they said I was dehydrated. Gave iv fluids, ECG, bloods, urine etc...they pushed the fluid thru really fast I thought and I started to shake - this worried me immensely. I'd sent my partner and son to get themselves some dinner, didn't have the buzzer and no doc/nurse in sight. Shaking got worse...and worse. Hubby n son came back and I asked him to get nurse (I was absolutely petrified by now) she did bp and also mentioned my heart rate gone up a bit and told doctor who said she would b there soon. The asking got worse, heart rate up to 140-150 and I needed to pee, partner came to look and I told him you and our son know how much I love you? In case anything happens? He said bit won't, you'll be fine.

Walking back to my bed, shaking was slowing and I was calming. Doc eventually came and said it was a panic attack See gp. The following wk I had a 24hr holter monitor. Results were sent to old gp found a new one cos other one didn't seem to care. New one was great on the day Isaw him i was having a good day. He said I seem in good spirits see how I go. And discussed anxiety with me. I went home feeling good. Following day wasn't so good...heart race, dizzy, shaky, nausea, pins n needles in hands, sore chest and arms, headache etc...this went on for days...then I feel OK then not...then Monday just gone I went to go cos I feel it was getting worse/Hardee for me to deal with and I am having trouble accepting that this is anxiety. He gave me a questionairre thing and also sent me for more bloods. I went back to him yesterday cos iI was really struggling and the previous night thought I had a brain tumor and was gonna die, I have as scared to fall asleep. I did - eventually. Yesterday I woke with racing heart, couldn't calm myself but seemed better if we went out in the car. So we did, then went to doctor. I spoke to him for half hr he did the questionnaire result wwhich was depression = 9 anxiety = 19. Blood results fine and he could tell I was anxious. He prescribed me cymbalta 30mg once daily.

I got this pain in Centre of chest low like gall bladder area maybe yesterday arvo (later after doc) and pain in left ribs to the side and under breast so went to hospital they did ECG, bloods, urine ad xray - all fine and they couldn't tell me y I had this pain. I have been freaking ever since that its my heart. I have chest pains and pain in my back and shoulders but I can't tell if it's muscular or not. My heart rate has been up and Ijust feel a bit off. Tried the deep breathing which helped a lLil. today was my first dose of cymbalta and iI am also scared about getting side affects! Anyone relate to this constant fear of heart ornhead problems and scared of dying? Anyone overcome it? How? I see my gp again on Thursdayfor a care plan to be put ttogether and referral to psychologist for therapy.

---------- Post added at 09:35 ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 ----------

I've also had popping ears sensation, felt like I couldn't swallow (only for few secs), derealisation, felt unbalanced but didn't stumble or what not, felt very tired, had split second times where I've thought I'm gonna lose control of my body, arm pains, twitches/spasms etc...
I've had good and bad days but still can't accept this as anxiety.

03-01-15, 01:39
Sadly, if you've had the huge battery of tests that you have described, then it is anxiety. Have you considered therapy? Talking to someone about it might help you to deal with it head-on, as it were.

03-01-15, 01:47
Yes, I see my gp next week for a referral to the psychologist to hopefully start some therapy. I've been speaking with the gp about it. Speaking about feelings of it with my mum, partner and my dad who has suffered anxiety before. But helpful and supportive as they are I think I'm just starting to rely on their reassurance.

I've been told a million times it's anxiety and even myself I can realise I've been anxious and worrying/stressing about this same stuff for 6wks now and nothing has happened and my results are clear! So one would think I should be able to accept it but it just doesn't happen. Even if I try to convince myself it's like I'm faking believing it if that makes sense? I've never been anxious like this before, I was pretty happy with the way things were maybe a tad stressed about the wedding but nothing I couldn't handle then had that faint and it all has spiralled out of control since then.

Had my first dose of cymbalta today and I doubt it is from that but I have the dizzy feeling, fullness in ears which has been like it other days too and just feel yuck and not happy, not sad just meh...and withdrawn which I normally am not (I don't think). I don't know if I'm over stressing the aches/pains in my ribs chest etc orboverstressing the side effects that re possible from cymbalta...my gp is closed today and I don't want to go to the hospital.

03-01-15, 02:52
Hi Panicky88,

Sorry to hear about what your going through, it really sounds like your going through a living hell right now. Everything you describe sounds exactly what I went through a couple of years back and it really is not at all nice. Im not a doctor but to me it does sound very much like severe anxiety.

You can overcome this. Right now its all quite new to you so every time you feel a pain or start to panic, in your head its like "whats going on" what was that pain" "I feel ill/weird" "the pain feels different this time, this is really something bad" "Im going to die" then you get even more anxious which makes you feel even more strange and gives you more symptoms. Even when your not feeling anxious you can have subconscious anxiety that you don't even realise your thinking about that can cause symptoms.

As time goes on you will begin to realise that its the same cycle and its your own thoughts and worries that are making you feel ill and get pains and then you worry more and the cycle continues. Once you know this its a bit easier to look at things more logically. It is very hard but you can get through it, therapy can help, a good diet, exercise, meditation, and even the medication your doctor has prescribed may help, theres many things you can try.

Hope you start to feel better soon :)