View Full Version : worried and need reassurance

03-01-15, 00:28
The past 6 weeks I feel like my body has been falling apart. it started with one night where i called the ambulance thinking i was having a heart attack, according to them it was a panic attack because the ecg and blood tests were clear. After that I started getting worse with constant pain in my joints, chest and arms as well as pins and needles and numbness in random places and then spasms in my neck and arm (right side). I feel tired all the time and the lights hurt my eyes and cant I sleep because of the pain and this feeling of sinking that wakes me up as im falling asleep. A new hard swollen lymph node on the side of my neck doesnt help with my worrying either, but the doctors dont bother checking it

I have not been able to function normally even though my blood tests and brain mri are fine and I'm dismissed because im only 20. I'm so worried about whats wrong and honestly just want to live again. Could it possible just be anxiety? I feel like I have been left to deal with something I cannot deal with and I'm beginning to feel really depressed and need reassurance.

03-01-15, 00:57
Hey Honey,

Just want to say, im a 20 year old with anxiety and it is a massive pain! If this was a year or so ago, i could have written this post myself !! Been having panic attacks since 2013 and i honestly thought i was gone!! Dont worry, its going to be fine. You've had medical checks and all is well. If it helps, repeat this to yourself when you're anxious or do some breathing exercises alongside it.

One thing about reassurance with anxiety is that it only helps up to a point. I used to constantly search the internet and ask my family, friend and the poor members of NMP whether i was ok.... and i am. And so are you! Do you feel comfortable with your GP? enough so that you could talk to them about the possibility of therapy? If you can, take your concerns to a GP you trust and get on with and ask them all of your burning questions, once there, get them to explain anxiety and depression to you and then discuss all of your options...

Please dont hesitate to talk to someone, anyone about how youre feeling. Any more questions, dont hesitate to contact me :) xx:hugs:

03-01-15, 02:16
Wow...I feel your pain! I'm 26 and for the last 6wks have been experiencing lots of dizziness, heart racing, shortness of breath, pins n needles, aches n pains, twitches, spasms etc...
Mine started after I fainted from wrong dosage of a prescribed me for a kidney infection. I went to hosp by ambo and was checked out n sent home, the day after all these things started..In 6 wks I've lost count of blood tests, ECGs, X-rays etc I've had. I also had a chest ct and an ultrasound and a 24hr holter monitor - all have been clear!

I, like you am so worried something is going to happen to me and it scares me a lot. I have a 5yo lil boy who I want to be there for, for a long time yet. I to just want to go back to how I was and live my life! I've been told by family, friends, doctors, ambos and the nurses from the ER that I possibly have anxiety (I also had a major panic attack in ER and thought that was it). I've seen my gp on and off and just yesterday I saw him cos I couldn't overcome fear, couldn't calm myself prob cos I can't accept it's anxiety no matter how much I try. I don't know why.

He prescribed me cymbalta which I had my first dose today and that is adding to my stress/worry cos of side effects. I see gp again in 5days and he is doing my referral to psychologist for therapy. I was against medication but it's just gotten to where I can't cope or deal.

I too, went thru needing reassurance. Between my mum, dad, partner, lifeline counsellors and beyond blue counsellors I have no idea how they still put up with me cos I'm always after reassurance but as of late it hasn't seemed to help...and makes me more anxious if some aren't available to talk to!

Anxiety as I've been told can make u feel so many things...it tricks you into thinking the worst. I haven't been able to accept anxiety which is a major must to be able to move on and try and recover I think.

03-01-15, 05:28
Thank you so much for replying. It's really hard to believe it's something psychological when its so physically painful. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist this week and I'm dreading going back on meds because my body never does well with them but like you I'm also desperate right now.

I can't believe its anxiety. I've had anxiety for a long time and it's always just been in my head. It's kind of upsetting like it feels like it wont ever end because it's anxiety and not anything else that can be cured.

03-01-15, 09:49
I feel for you guys ....... Mine started in mid November ...... Went to the doctors and they said had bad stomach as at time felt sick or was being sick and had direhorra shortly after my body would go compeletely numb, nothing felt right, felt constantly sick lost my appetite etc .... Soon after I was worried That I may have cancer brain tumours etc got that bad I too went to ER who did few test and they said I am healthy yet I had goosebumps regardless of how warm I was , felt weak horrid etc was scared to even go outside ..... Am now on sertaline and diazepam which takes a lot of it away but last 2 days I felt so fatigue it beyond scary.. I woke up last night after 2 hours sweating confused and panic it now 9.47am I feel so fatigue everything feel bright am panicking like mad feel constantly sick and thinkin going to ER but what point I get told it in my head ! Derealisation stage passed but it comes back time to time.

Some days are good other bad just got to keep fighting am afaird till they find the right meds

Hang in there your not alone

04-01-15, 01:57
Hi Honey,

Interestingly enough I've also had the spasms (usually full-body), swollen nymph lode on the left side of my neck, and the falling sensation as I (finally) get to sleep almost every night.

Looks like we're not alone; hang in there!