View Full Version : severe head pressue.. suggestions??

03-01-15, 03:00
Hey I was just wondering if anyone has ever had such severe head pressure that they thought they were going to pass out. The reason why I ask is because the past Twp days I get this feeling like I can't breath properly and then my head seems like its filling up with a lot of air. The pressure is horrible . . I literally was sitting in my car when this happened and thought I was going to die right then and there. My face went numb and my hearing was gone. Then after maybe 30 seconds the feeling was gone but my head felt right and I had bad ringing in my ears. Then today the same thing happened but the pressure was iny cheeks and head ... I felt like I couldn't breath but my heart was beating hard and fast.
I'm not sure what this could be. It's freaking me out. I'm scared its like a stroke or a heart attack or even a brewing aneurysm.
There's no other explanation that would cause that much head pressure. There's no painaassociated with it. Also when this happens I can't swallow or feels like I can't.

Can anyone offer any insight? Has anyone ever felt this way before.?

I had an mri almost a year ago that was clear and I have had lots of heart tests three moretthe ago that came back normal.

03-01-15, 17:41
Hi Natasha, I've also been experiencing head and ear pressure with ringing sensation, I do think it is caused by anxiety (I am not medically trained though) xxx

03-01-15, 18:48
sounds like tenstion headaches ive had them so bad ive gone dizzy and felt like im going to pass out best thing to do is to have a hot shower and lie down for half hour and close your eyes hope this helps

03-01-15, 22:13
I had it for 2 weeks straight when my head pressure was at its worst .... That's gone now moved onto other things do you get off balanced and dizzy when just step outside from hot to cold aswellbbb

04-01-15, 03:44
Hi everyone.
Thank you for responding. My head pressure I find comes after I feel like I can't breathe or like my body isn't getting enough oxygen. I don't know if that's related to anxiety or not but sometimes I feel like my heart rate is low.
Its scared me because the head pressure feels like I'm going to die... And then the heart thing as if my heart is going to stop.
I guess I'm just worried that something more is happening and I'm not able to figure it out ... Even by getting checked out. Most of the doctors relate it to anxiety without even doing any testing.