View Full Version : Newbie :)

03-01-15, 09:25
Hey All,

My name is Lisa and I'm 26yo.

I've recently been struggling with anxiety (last 6wks) although its only in last 2-3wks doctor has said it is. I still haven't been able to accept it as that.

I've had racing heart, dizziness/lightheadedness, shakiness, pins and needles primarily in hands and feet, tightness of chest, nausea, full feeling in ears, loss of appetite, unbalanced feeling but no stumble etc, feeling flush, burning sensation in left foot, twitch/spasm mostly arm and neck, tiredness etc...

I fainted 6wk ago due to incorrect dose of meds for kidney infection. It all started the day after the faint. I've had multiple ecgs, blood tests, urine samples, xray, ct scan, ultrasound and 24hr holter monitor - all clear. Hence they tellme its anxiety.

I fear heart attack, brain tumor, something bad being wrong, dying, passing out etc..

I have just started cymbalta 30mg daily cos i just wasn'tcoping n was getting worse. I only had it prescribed yesterday so first does today. I was adamant to the idea of med but need to try something. I see doc on tThursfor referral for therapy etc

03-01-15, 09:31
Hiya panicky88 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-01-15, 15:05
Hello, well first off just know it will all get better, if you go back and look at all my postings you will see that i was having a hard time with anxiety just like you are now!! are you on any meds?? mine started after i had my daughter a year ago! im a lot better now and i have control over it!!
something that will really help, go to your dr gett a full check up..Im sure nothing will be wrong.. after that try you best to ignore all symtoms.. It will be hard at first but trust me you will get the hang of it!! you can PM me if you ever want to talk :hugs: oh and im 23 so were kinda around the same age! hang in there!!!

03-01-15, 19:28
Hey there Lisa, just joined myself today. Any chance you've also got tinnitus?

03-01-15, 19:38
Hey there Lisa! Welcome! I am new to the forums too but im struggling with panic attacks for many years! I had all the symptoms u said (and still have sometimes) and many fears of dieing. I wish you the best and i hope from today everything will get better!!

03-01-15, 22:36
I suffer with tinnitus :-( defo worse when anxiety is high. Any suggestions for coping with it?

04-01-15, 08:47
Hi all,

Thanks for the responses, i will def take the pm offer up sometime soon eve22. I'm on my 2nd day of cymbalta and I can't handle the side effects. I feel so nauseas it's disgusting, have no appetite (but didn't before starting either), I have headaches, dizziness but not spinny kind just strange sensation in head, hot n cold flushes, diarrhoea, shakiness and my jaw feels shaky too...weird. Most of all, I could not sleep last night! I was so tired but felt like my eyes have never been so open...I put it down to the first dose of cymbalta but don't know really...

I feel like I am starting to believe I'm ok and my test results are clear I don't think this would be due to meds at two days in but others disagree with me. I was/am considering calling my doc tomorrow to see if I can stop them. But worried at same time.

I don't have tinnitus. It sounds terrible tho, I wish you all the best in recovering from this awful problem.

05-01-15, 19:40
hey !! i just joined swell, i have pretty much the same symptoms. Ill tell you what i am feeling and maybe you can relate? I started having breathing problems about 5 weeks ago and pressure on chest, thought it was a heart attack and ever since i left that hospital something hasn't been right. I am constantly getting dizzy spells, confusion, brain zaps in the right side of my head only, trouble staying balanced, pins and needles in the left side of my body and sometimes the right, jaw pain sometimes but i think thats cause i grind my teeth, DREAMING LIKE CRAZY!!, tightness in the chest, lump in my throat like i can't swallow. I just don't feel anxious....so thats why i am constantly trying to find out what it is!