View Full Version : feel like i'm holding my breath in sleep

03-01-15, 11:28
Hi everyone

I keep having strange things happen when im asleep...i wake up with the feeling i cant breath but i dont gasp for air or anything. It kinda comes over me slowly is bizzare and hard to explain...lastnight felt more intense but still no gasping and when i felt my pulse it was normal speed so if it was anxiety i would expect it to be fast. I really need to know whats going on its so scary and it leaves me wondering if i was awake or infact asleep so confusing.
Does anybody else have these symptoms?
To add i do get ectopic beats were it takes my breath and i get that when i am awake so im wondering if its happening when im asleep too. Im so worried i have sleep apnoea although i have been tested for this before and came back clear :(
Just so depressed.

03-01-15, 13:48
i have this too accept it happens during the days too its been going on 3 months during the days and it started in my sleep 5 years ago im 22 btw but i was scared i never went to doctors but when i did they just do not seem concerned and said the sleeping thing is just like a freaky sleep disorder yes my doctor said freaky sleep disorder how comforting right ?
and as for it happening during the day they say anxiety but you are not alone alot of people have it in the night i have found only a few people have it during the day too but i understandhow scary it is because its my main focus at the minute hope you feel betterr soon

03-01-15, 16:47
I also get it in the day aswell..the more u focus the more intense it gets..its like you have to constantly focus in it and have to rrally try to breath right...i have an oximeter and my levels are always 98% its so frustrating i sometimes get feelin somet stuck in my throat too i think its to do with bein tense all the time...as when im distracted i dont notice it and im still active without any issues...its just hard to believe anxiety causes this but after 4 years of this i kno anything is possiblr i have had probably every symptoms possible which only exacerbates my health anxiety. Thanks for your response x

03-01-15, 17:01
i have had times when my brain questions if i have actually forgotten how to breathe and then had to try remember how to breathe, but your body is going to do it naturally whether you think you can or cant.

worse case scenario is that you stop yourself from breathing and you pass out and your body will take over and look after you.

cant even imagine that you would get to that stage though.

do you breathe into your chest or stomach area?

04-01-15, 00:39
I think i shallow breath tbh and i hold my breath when im havin worrying thoughts it really scares me. I hope i dont pass out cos dont need that on top of all the other stuff :((((( x

04-01-15, 00:57
learn how to breath into your stomach area. it is a bigger part of your lung and you can take slower deeper breaths that are easier to control than breathing short sharp breaths into your chest.

if you are feeling really trick you can try some of these buddhist circular breathing techniques

06-01-15, 23:28
Thank you so much for your help x

07-01-15, 16:23
still having the problem ?
i have started waking in a startle again and trying my best to get a breathe in or out again and i guess it proves its anxiety it happened after i had read your post lol cray anxiety ay hope your feeling better hun x

07-01-15, 21:55
Hi yes get it on and off :( crazy aint it how it comes on. I hope it gets better soon x

23-01-16, 23:09
Hi u dream I can't breath has anyone else had this???