View Full Version : went to the hospital with severe chest pains...

03-01-15, 11:37

I am Gary (aka Gury. family pet name). A 29 year old male from Canada.
Very recently I started to feel chest pain. A sharp pain in the middle of my chest/ heart, that radiated to my back and up my chin. A few months before this i started to notice some random arrhythmia, especially when lying down (don't know why)/or when waking up, accompanied by slight heart pain - only way i can describe it is like my heart is "sticking". very weird/scary.
Anyway, the other week the pain got worse and so did the arrhythmia, so I called an ambulance.
I was rushed into emerg & they did an ECG. It came back with RBBB. Which the doctor said is not really that out of the ordinary, but coupled with the fact that I was having pain/arrhythmia, they were going to do another one (?)
Anyway. After hours of waiting/blood tests/chest x-ray/even some pepto-bismal (sp?) like substance to see if I had indigestion etc. the doctor said definitively no heart attack...acted like I had nothing to worry about, really. that if the pain got worse, to of course come back. but he wanted me to see a cardiologist just to be on the safe side (which i figured was normal). He gave me the requisition sheet and off I went.
Anyway. On the bus home, I am reading over the sheet...and i see "RBBB. Brugada??" - i figure Brugada is just a fancy word for something to do with the arrythmia ...
anyway, I get home. Go online. And see this, "The Brugada syndrome is a heart disease that is characterised by abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) findings and an increased risk of sudden cardiac death"
i am floored. why would he suspect this? I've read a bit more and it seems there are certain signs on an ECG that arouse suspicion. clearly he saw something, otherwise he wouldn't have written it. yet he acted so cocky and indifferent to my situation. baffling. what should I make of this? i can't sleep a wink as i feel i am going to die in my sleep. when i wake up, i often have heart pain (this is not anxiety related to this scare as this was happening much earlier). i am scared to...well...y'know. appt not for another 9 days.


03-01-15, 14:29
Can you make an appointment with your usual doctor and explain that what you have seen on the notes has you worried. Maybe they can reassure you or get your appointment moved forward?
Hope you are ok