View Full Version : Cold and flu

03-01-15, 11:57
We'll I've had the worst Christmas, husband in bed for a week with flu. Then on Boxing Day I started with a sore throat, cough, headache. I went to GP on Wednesday who said virus which I was fine about, but today my anxiety is through the roof. I can't hear properly, my nose is blocked, I have a dry cough, breathing through my mouth isn't helping as it's making my throat drier, but I'm so anxious that I will stop breathing! Does anyone els suffer like this with a cold? I'm getting myself so worked up!! xx

03-01-15, 12:37
I can know where you're coming from. I've felt like I've had a cold over Christmas, but last 2 days it's really come out. Last night I fell shivery, sore throat and blocked ears. Today the same, I just nipped out and decided to walk into town, when I got into the chemist I thought I was going to pass out, had such funny feeling in my head then my stomach started turning. I've rushed round to get the bits I need and rushed home, now I'm dizzy my eyes seem strange as well as the symptoms of my cold, I'm sure it's making my anxiety worse. I'm sat crying while writing this, it makes me feel like a failure when you can't even have a simple cold without flaming anxiety creeping in.
Hope that you feel better soon.

03-01-15, 13:02
It does doesn't it, I've been ok with anxiety for the last week, just hit me today, perhaps it's cus I'm off work and not busy. Hope you feel better soon too xx

03-01-15, 15:56
I to was sat crying last night after I vomited in bathroom with cough, had virus on off for few months, I have sinus issues to so doesn't help, last time I was at doctors she said chest clear, had chest xray sept for something else and bloods. But still deep down in my head it's others things, I have reflux also, it's very difficult to get mind to think nice things, I'm awaiting trauma therapy

03-01-15, 16:08
Ats666 - The combination of those things can make me feel panic-y too. But not breathing is a scary feeling, even when you know that it's just a cold and it will pass. Have you tried things to help clear you up? Hot, steamy showers, humidifiers, and vapo-rub can help unblock you a little bit to make breathing easier. Feel better :)

03-01-15, 19:25
Thanks for all your replies, I've been to the chemist and bought all sorts to try and get rid xx