View Full Version : Panic attack after being in hospital

03-01-15, 16:27
I have been in hospital for the past 3 nights under investigation for some stomach pain I have been having. Those 3 nights were great, no panic, felt really relaxed, slept well, and felt good. I had started to feel loads better.

I came home this morning discharged with a clean bill of health but need some follow up appointments and a little further investigation.

I had a short nap at home when I got in a woke up trembling after a couple of hours. This turned into a full panic attack which I am still partially in now. I can't seem to get out of it, it's horrible.

I need some help, and something to relax. I want the doctor to prescribe me something to help me sleep and wake up more relaxed, can this be done? I'm scared to take meds for my anxiety because of the side effects but it's really ruining my life. Please help.

03-01-15, 16:41
do you think that you felt so good in hospital was because you were surrounded by health professionals and that they wouldnt let anything bad happen to you?

clean bill of health is good no?

03-01-15, 17:02
Yes I definitely felt better because I was in a ''safe'' place. The clean bill of health is no doubt good, but my body has learned panic and it is proving very very hard to shift. I have only felt like this for the past month or so, so it is affecting me very badly in comparison to my previous, very calm character that could fall asleep at the drop of a hat and relax around the house all day without a care.

I would really like some xanax or diazepam to help me through this horrible patch. I really feel like I need something to help me sleep and wake up without having a panic attack... I think I have them in my sleep as well, which isn't nice.

I am very willing to try natural methods such as relaxation but as I'm going through a really bad patch I would like something to take the edge off. I am not looking for long term medication, just something to help me calm down when I am feeling like I can't cope, until I can arrange some CBT. It is ruining my life and I feel that I need some relief.

03-01-15, 18:14
I would be the complete opposite if I had to stay in hospital, I have a panic attack at the thought of it!! It's very common to feel anxious and panicky after waking from a nap or a nights sleep and even if you took a Diazepam or sleeping tablet before hand by the time you wake up it would've more than likely wore off so you may fall asleep calm but still wake panicky. I know the side effects of meds are scary but they don't last forever maybe 2 weeks at the most and in my experience they are worth it in the end, you don't have to be on them forever so it may be worth seriously considering alongside your therapy? Hope you feel better X X

03-01-15, 18:22
Thanks for your advice. I am going to go to the doctors on Monday and maybe ask for propanolol?? My main problem is not my mental state but my constant shaking, palpatations/fluttering heart and jaw clenching. If they go away, I will feel much better as I have the ability to control my mental state much more than my physical symptoms. I think a beta blocker will be best for this.

Sitting here typing like a maniac also helps x

03-01-15, 18:28
It is awful feeling like that, I've been like it many a time, discuss with your doctor about the different meds, I've took propranolol in the past and they can be very effective X X