View Full Version : me again

03-01-15, 18:06
As you probably already know I have boob issues, mainly because one being very slightly firmer than the other, now I have been to docs , spoke to nurse, got my mum to feel( how embarrassing) and my husband who says they feel the same as they always have, my prob is I still can't move on, I have only been on 40mg of prozac for 2 weeks, do they take longer, I was on 20mg for a week before, any advise please xxx

03-01-15, 18:09
Distraction, Patience, stop Self Checking and stay off the internet.

Positive thoughts

03-01-15, 18:15
^^^ what he says + stop prodding. Or getting other people to prod.

03-01-15, 18:17
That sound so funny xx

03-01-15, 19:21
Don't forget that upping your dose of Prozac might make you feel more anxious for a while...
I agree, stop squeezing and prodding :-)
Hope you feel less worried about them soon xx

03-01-15, 19:47
hey hun we all have one a little bigger/different to the other i have one firmer too have done for years i was a f and gone down to a d and one is totally better then the other i would not worry about it if you have had it checked just start looking at it the way i do, you have one boob better then the other :)

03-01-15, 19:53
Herbie you can move on but you have to make a concerted effort to do so. There is no other way. Have you read CPE's "Get a plan" thread. If not then do so. I have been exactly where you are to the tiniest detail. You are probably thinking why do I need to get a sodding plan when I just have to make sure and be reassured that I don't have BC. Well you'll never be reassured in your state of mind and it is that acceptance you must work on. I used to pay for mammograms against the wishes of the doctors, go onto get the all clear but then pick away at the results. I could give you scenarios you would not believe but at the time It was compulsive to do what I did. With hindsight it was totally irrational behaviour- behavior that went on for years.