View Full Version : Can this all be anxiety??

03-01-15, 18:35
Hi, I'm a 16 yr old girl and have been suffering from health anxiety for about 4 years now. I went to therapy and thought I was better so I stopped going. I hadn't been feeling anxious for a while, but then my right eyelid started twitching. It has lasted for almost 2 months now. Also, my ring fingers twitch sometimes if I hold them straight and I have been messing up in my words and forgetting simple things. I'm really worried I could have a brain tumor but my mom won't take me to the doctor because she thinks it's just my anxiety. Is that possible? Any responses are appreciated, thanks!!:)

03-01-15, 18:58
To me it sounds like anxiety! my fingers and neck does the whole twitching thing some times... i learn to just ignore it!!
when it happens just stay calm and try to do something to take your mind off of it :hugs:

03-01-15, 20:37
Thanks for your response. I'm just worried because it's been happening all the time...

03-01-15, 21:21
Been in the exact same place as you :) I was getting headaches and twitches in my head and finger (mostly on my left hand, index finger). I went to the dr and told him, he gave me a exam (which consists of checking your nerves and reflexes) and he said there was no chance of a brain tumor.

He prescribed me amitriptyline which helps with the headaches and also the twitches because it dulls you're nerve cells.

If you are really worried i would visit your GP. I thought I'd have to go to hospital to have a scan to check for a brain tumor, but they can do things that would give them a warning there and then. I was in there for a max of 20 minutes and came out feeling so much better! :)

03-01-15, 22:31
Hello you sound really worried don't be... I have had the on and off twitching of my eyelid fingers and random body twitches for years I have had all the response and reflex checks torch in the eyes and had my eyes checked by the optition and nothing has ever been found. Doctors are able to spot causes for concerns with these simple tests so if they haven't seen something they are worried about you are absolutely fine.

03-01-15, 23:03
Thank you everybody's replies make me feel so much better!! Last time I went to the doctor's was in the September for a physical and I'm pretty sure the dr looked at my eyes. If I had a brain tumor, would she probably would have noticed something right?

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

Also,it seems weird to me that it would happen in this one eyelid and happens even when I'm completely relaxed...

03-01-15, 23:13
it seems weird to me that it would happen in this one eyelid and happens even when I'm completely relaxed...

Think of your anxiety like an oven. Certainly when it's on, it's hot. When you turn it off, it still stays hot for a while. Same thing going on here.

Positive thoughts

03-01-15, 23:50
I have some twitching too in many parts of my body, not always.

04-01-15, 00:35
I guess that's why I'm so worried bc everyone else I've heard of with twitching from anxiety has it all I er but I mainly have it on this one eyelid

04-01-15, 03:20
I had the eyelid twitching thing all the time (on and off) only one eye. The pharmacist told me it was something magnesium could help, it's a muscle relaxant and a lot of people lack the proper amount of magnesium they need so whenever you become anxious, tired (mentally, not physically, so it's hard to "feel") you start twitching and you're unable to stop, even if you feel relaxed. It's really annoying. I tried magnesium and after 2 days of taking it the twitching would stop completely. I've now read that it even helps you sleep better at night. Ask a pharmacist how much is safe to take and look it up online as well. :)

04-01-15, 05:07
Thanks that made me feel a lot better. I talked to my dad and he is going to try to get me an eye dr appt for as soon as possible. I'm so scared that I have a brain tumor I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless and just want to know

04-01-15, 13:33
Think of your anxiety like an oven. Certainly when it's on, it's hot. When you turn it off, it still stays hot for a while. Same thing going on here.

Positive thoughts

That is one of the best anxiety comparisons I have heard. I think this was my problem for a long time. I would get into a state about something obsessing and worrying. Get told its anxiety. Sit around relaxed for a while and then notice a symptom still there and panic again. And so the circle went! But that is a brilliant comparison. Just need to let the oven cool down!