View Full Version : please help!!!

09-01-07, 12:48
Hi guys,

Before xmas we found out that I'd lost the baby i was carrying and needed and erpc, so I'm lay on the theatre bed and the anaesthetist takes a 3 lead ecg, scratches his head and asks if I've got any cardiac prolems or chest pain!! I say no why and he says 'cause your ecg's showing st depression? but he then goes on to say that the machine often gives wierd results that are wrong so after the op he did a twelve lead ecg which he said was normal.
Anyway xmas went by fine no problems but about two weeks ago we all had a chest infection and I can't seem to shake it, anyway for the past three or four days i've been feeling like there is a pressure on my chest, i can't take a full breath in and i'm not sleeping, oh and i've got fluid retention!!
So this morning i decided it would be a good idea to go to the doctor just to get checked out, well she got the nurse to do a blood test and an ecg, at the top of the ecg it read st wave abnormality!!! but the nurse said not to worry 'cause these machines are often wrong, she says the doctor will be able to read it more accurately.
So anyway now i'm sat at home waiting for the doctor to ring me, panicking expecting to have a heart attack at anytime.
what do you guys think???
Love birdi
ps i'm only 33

09-01-07, 13:22
Hi. I don't know what your ECG result means, but it may help you to know that I had some abnormalities picked up in mine but they are of no real problem and apparently lots of people have this. So, something lots of people live with and don't even know they have, with no affect on their life or health at all.

It may also help to reassure yourself that they would not have given you a general anaesthetic if they thought there was anything wrong with your heart. They would have delayed your procedure for a couple of days and investigated heart problem first.

I hope you don't have to wait too long for your call - I'm sure your doctor will be able to reassure you.

Ma Larkin
09-01-07, 13:40
Hi, I'm 40 and in the 5th week of chest infection/cold/turned into flu! I've had the same as you, someone said my ECG looked slightly abnormal so to wait for the doctor, yet the doctor said it was fine. I had the 12 lead ECG.


09-01-07, 16:21
Thankyou so much for your replies,

The doctor called fifteen minutes ago and said that my ecg was normal, when I asked her about the st abnormality?? she said that there was a slight dip in that part of my rhythm !!?? but no other signs to suggest ischaemia (slight panic at wording) but she said this was probably because my heart was racing or that I was anaemic after my miscarriage or that rhythm might just be normal for me.
I said that my chest was still feeling tight and so shes gonna repeat the ecg on friday and check the results of my bloods.
She still thinks that these symptoms are due to my anxiety.
I still feel a bit anxious and been puffing into a paper bag (my two year old's looking at me as though i'm mental) but it helps.
I know this is probably anxiety, maybe related to my miscarriage, (I've suffered health anxiety for 12 years on and off now)
But I'm scared that part of me is blaming the symptoms on HA when deep down I know its more serious, do you understand?
I find it so difficult to read my body in a normal way when I get this anxious.
I definately feel better after reading your replies though, thank god for this site.

Love Birdi xxx