View Full Version : Back to Square One

03-01-15, 20:29
Erm where to start. My names Silver, I'm 24 and am losing all hope. I have had to leave yet another job due to anxiety and bi-polar and I'm losing faith. Will I ever be able to lead a normal life??

I'm worried and then found this site, here's the last part of hope I have that we can overcome this together.

03-01-15, 20:34
Hiya silver_danfaith and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-01-15, 20:38
Hi Silver
Welcome to the site.
Sorry about your job.I have problems every day with anxiety so can sympathize.
There's lots of people on here that will listen and try to help.

03-01-15, 20:43
Hey Silver!
You are already living a normal life. What IS normal?
For example my life is full of stress, anxiety, panic attacks and drama. For me its normal! Why you ask? Because I have nothing wrong. I am physically healthy, I have food on my table. I have clothes. I have a roof over my head. I think thats normal.
BUT the QUALITY of your life is not good. You need to work on that. So tell us a bit about your anxiety and bipolarism. What exactly makes it difficult for you to work and do things in your everyday life? :)

By the way. Happy new year and i hope everything will work out <3 !

03-01-15, 20:47
I'm so scared of what people think of me. I had to leave because where I was very private, other colleagues started viscous rumors about me that I ended up hearing about from my boss. It was an awful place to work and lead me to have a panic attack when a customer asked a very simple question.

03-01-15, 21:03
I am so sorry about those colleagues. To tell you the truth they were more jealous of you rather than anything! You were doing a good job and they were jealous of you. People become bad to someone when they actually crave something from another person. Either it is mentally or physically.

At my previous job the boss told me i was having an "attitude" towards other employees but i never said anything. I was always the "yes" person that would always go further to help the company. I knew they hated seeing a new person work like that.

Anyway as you said it was an awful place to work. You did the right thing. You left. When something hurts us a lot we leave it. Either is a boy/girl in a relationship or is a job.

People judge a lot. This is our nature. We all judge. either good or bad. We see an old lady grumpy and we judge her saying "oh god...what happened? maybe she has problems with her husband" (example)

The only person that can judge you is God(If you are a religious person) and yourself!
LOOK in the mirror. What do you see?
I bet you see those two amazing eyes full of hope and power.
A body ready to take the world!
And a smile that can destroy countries!

Give your problems literally the middle finger. And do things YOU love. You like eating cake? devour that cake! its yours and u love it! You like listening to loud music? Do it and party hard too! Life is too short to feel sad and scared. People should be scared of YOU because of your powerful mindset. Not the opposite.

The strong fight face to face.
The weak find ways to sneak and stab you from behind.

Kisses for now and a big hug! :hugs: