View Full Version : Neck tension and pain = links to panic attacks?

09-01-07, 13:07
I wanted to put this out here to see if anyone else agreed or noticed this possible link.

I carry all my tension when stressed / over-tired, etc, in my neck and shoulders. Whenever my neck gets over tight I am more likely to have an anxiety or panic attack.

Is it feesible that the nerves in our neck relate to the amount of blood flow to the brain and if so, could certain ones - if restricted - control the anxiety?

Please let me know!


09-01-07, 13:30
Hi there...
I have a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders causing it to be pretty painful, but its never (for me) induced panic attacks, they come quite nicely on their own..lol

09-01-07, 14:34
Hi ab4,

I too hold lots of tension in my shoulders and neck but I'm not sure that in itself causes my panic attacks. I think it's more indicitive that I am anxious and obviously anxiety is fertile ground for panic to breed on - after all I don't know many people who panic when truly relaxed!!!

You could try what I do to help release the tension - put your index finger on your chin and gently press your head down towards your chest and hold for some seconds and the release and do again using the other hand. You can feel this all down the back of your neck.

Oh and welcome to the site by the way. :D

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-01-07, 18:42
Hi there.

I do often get aches and pains in my neck, throat and shoulders. I have learned that they are the early signs of anxiety. If I deal with them by relaxation or breathing exercises I feel much better and the anxiety doesn't increase. I don't believe they cause the panic, more that they are a sign of tension and worry.

Hope this helps a bit. Check out the home page of the forum, it has lots of useful things you can do, and information about symptoms.


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