View Full Version : less anxious

04-01-15, 09:51
Morning all, OKso my anxiety has subsided aa bit, been on prozac for just over two weeks, the problem is the fear is still there but not causing me to panic as much, is this how prozac work, is the fear the last thing to go.xxx

04-01-15, 10:49
Hi Herbie, glad to hear your anxiety has subsided a bit - that's great news :)

I have been on sertraline for 3 weeks now and I feel much better. I can relate to what you say about the fear still being there but not causing you to panic, I feel the same. I still have health worries, but I feel a certain level of 'indifference' over them now which is quite refreshing!

My boyfriend said he feels the same on citalopram. He said he still has feelings there, but the medication sort of allows him to get on with his life and recover which is think is a really nice way of looking at it :)

I took fluoxetine for a very long time when I was younger to help me through bulimia and it was vital in my recovery (as well at CBT) I had very few side effects from it too.

Hope your treatment continues to go well xx

04-01-15, 11:52
Hi snowflake, thank you for your reply, what type of ha do you have, mine is mainly BC, but today I am fretting because I had a copper coil fitted 4 months ago and still have spotting, this is driving me mad, I don'tknow how much longer iI can cope with this, my mind feels like its about to explode xxx

04-01-15, 14:09
My HA is over any kind of cancer. Skin cancer is a big worry of mine at the moment. I saw a mole on my leg earlier that I don't like the look of so worrying a bit about that now. I also have severe HA over others, my partner, parents etc... worry and obsess over them becoming ill and if any of them have to have tests I go to pieces!

Ah don't worry about bleeding after having the copper coil fitted - it is perfectly normal to still have spotting. I had spotting for 6 months after having a mirena coil fitted and still have the odd bleed now (although my periods have pretty much stopped, lucky me!) it is a worry though when you bleed so I do understand. Last time I had a bleed I convinced myself I have cervical cancer :( due a smear this month too so not feeling great about that!

I know what you mean about your mind feeling like its about to explode. I feel the same when my HA is really bad. The medication definitely helps with that though and for me, it really takes the edge off things.

When did you HA start?


04-01-15, 14:24
Well I had it on and off since Iwas about 10, but it went through the roof when iIhad my first daughter, i was only 19, Iwas convinced i had aids, then i convinced myself my daughter had leukaemia, that was 22 years ago, in the time between I have had all different types of anxieties, not just health, i have also had some really good long spells of good health, iI did really well for 5 years until now, my eldest daughter has the same and is on prozac to, my poor husband has put up with this for 24 year xxxx

04-01-15, 15:41
Bless you it really sounds like you have been through the mill with all this, it is a nightmare isn't it? *hugs* you are doing the right thing getting help though and coming here to talk to like-minded people will really help too.

I suffer with a lot of the same issues my Mom has. She has been on fluoxetine for about 15 years now for depression, her issues are more depression based than anxiety though but me and her are so similar. My Dad was good with us when I still lived at home and he is good with my Mom now. I do worry about her, but she is about to start CBT too to help with her depression so fingers crossed that helps her out a bit.

Fear of AIDS is really scary, I remember having a HIV test some years ago and being terrified of getting the results. I know having a baby can trigger of certain anxieties too.

I guess we just have to focus on the good patches we have, and accept that we will have good and bad patches as part of our recovery. It is so tough though. I really feel confused sometimes cause even though I know I have HA, I have deep set fears that I cannot shake that I am riddled with cancer! It is ridiculous and it was taking over my life before I got help.