View Full Version : Constantly panicking about boyfriend

04-01-15, 10:47
everyday, I'm panicking about my boyfriend and his blood results. He went to docs cause he had petechie rash and they did Cbc and his platelets were low so he went back a month later and they had dropped from 127-111. Of course I panicked about this and am still panicking.

I can't talk to my family about it, it makes me anxiety worse. I can't really talk to my BF about it cause it's relating to him. Whenever I've talked to people I thought wouldn't induce a panic attack it's made me worry even more. They say it sounds scary etc. I already know it's scary! I've got to point I won't talk about it to anyone that I know...only in forums like these.

I'm so scared its acute myleoid leukaemia or some cancer that has spread. Devastated.

04-01-15, 11:07
I really understand what you are going through and it is such a worry when loved ones are waiting on test results. I am the same with my boyfriend, he recently had what I feared was a pre-cancerous condition but he got it checked out and is fine.

I know what you mean, sometimes I will avoid talking to people about things because there comments or reactions can trigger me to panic or get upset. It's not nice at all feeling this way *hugs*

I know you will be thinking worst case scenario right now, but what has really helped me when I have been in similar situations is to write down my feelings. It just helps me to rationalise my fears and stay calm.

I know you're scared he has cancer, but if he was seriously physically ill surely he would have lots of other symptoms. Remember, the chances of most symptoms actually being cancer are relatively low as there are literally dozens and dozens of other non-cancerous and easy to treat conditions.

You are doing the right thing coming here and talking to people here about it. It really helps.

I hope he gets good news and it puts your mind at rest. It is totally exhausting going through this, I have been there so 100% understand.

Stay strong xx

04-01-15, 12:46
I wont tell you not to worry because at this moment in time im sat he worrying about my health! what I still say is I think you boyfriend is going to be just fine :) my mom had a cyst on her overire the size of a golf ball and before they checked it out which it was fine in the end and went on its own I was in more of a state then she was! she was just like its fine its noting and im crying

05-01-15, 02:02
Keep panicking! He got his new blood slip forms in the mail today and I panicked about them! argh.

Last night someone triggered me really bad and I am still coming down from that...

07-01-15, 00:36
I'm more scared now cause BF has low energy and :(

07-01-15, 01:31
Your partner is doing everything he should be doing - following up with bloods. Are his Dr's concerned? Is he concerned?

You need to try to get a handle on this because your negative thinking is going to begin to affect him as well!

Learn to trust what his Dr's are doing.

He doesn't have AML. This would have shown on blood tests because not only are the WBC counts off the charts, but the cells themselves would be in a shape that suggests cancer. Remember that AML is a cancer of the blood.

His platelets are low. Thrombocytopenia is the medical term for this. The MOST common reason for this is either having a virus (if he is low on energy this could be it) or it could be caused by certain medications.

Sometimes, it happens without a known cause.

Often times when it is a serious cause - like cancer - there are other symptoms that would be more concerning that low platelets.

With all of that said - the issue is YOU suffer from anxiety and any perceived threat is triggering this panic.

What are you doing for yourself to get it under control? Have you thought about being referred for CBT or to try some meds?

07-01-15, 01:44
At the moment, you really have to take this one day at a time. Pre-empting something serious, or expecting the worst case scenario is pointless, and just going to make your anxiety skyrocket more than it is already.

You have not been given any strong indication that something is seriously wrong as yet. As mummato2 said, his bloods can indicate other stuff, not just the C word.

Petechial rashes often occur in viral infections, as well as bacterial too. We had numerous children admitted to our ward with viruses and a petechial rash. Trouble is, people jump on petechial rashes (rightly so really, as it pays to be vigilant) because of its association with meningitis, but it does often occur in a relatively basic viral illness.

Any infection can make blood counts go whacky. What were his other blood counts like? If there was not a lot else happening, I really would not anticipate the worst scenario just yet.:hugs:

07-01-15, 07:21
Please don't panic about low energy PL, remember me telling you about when I had a low platelet count? I suffered pretty bad fatigue at first but with bed rest and fluids, it restored itself without any medication.

So, if he rests up it might help and he may need top be mindful of overdoing things physically at the moment.

11-01-15, 00:00
Now he's complaining of sore shoulder and joint pain. Which makes ME think bone cancer or cancer that has spread! Ugh

03-02-15, 22:19
Hey puzzle how are things x

08-02-15, 21:05
Is he ok x