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View Full Version : Partner has to have c section and i have health anxiety

04-01-15, 12:15

After trauma from our first child and a ruptured ectopic pregnancy where my partner was really quite ill (she lost a lot of blood and had to have a large blood transfusion) I developed health anxiety. Seeing her in distress during the first labour and also practically knocking on deaths door with the ruptured ectopic and feeling helpless to do anything to help her has really shocked me to the core. She has also had a few early missed miscarriages and seeing her in distress etc hasn't helped.

The thing is, she now cannot go into labour due to part of her uterus being removed (she had a corneal ectopic which is very rare).

Im so concerned as now I get anxiety going into hospitals and for routine scans. I fainted in the first labour as she was rushed to theatre and they had to use forceps then the ventouse. It was really traumatic and baby was in special care for 5 days. My partner also developed severe migraines due to a torn dura thanks to the epidural.

Anyway all of these things have caused me to get anxiety. Im now concerned I wont last 5 minutes in the theatre for the c section. Our second baby is due the 9th of May but the c section will be a week or two before that. I really want to be there for the birth. Ive had counselling before for a total of 30 weeks and I have got better bur still very very anxious in hospital etc.

What can I do?

04-01-15, 22:54
Breathe :)

Is your partner undergoing a general (due to issues with the epidural)?

If so, it will likely be easier because she'll wake in recovery with all the work done.

Just try to shift your focus. Rather than worry about what could go wrong, concentrate on your new baby.

Up until then try to do some guided meditation visualising a calm c section, a beautiful healthy baby and easy recovery.

Visualise the positives before getting there and perhaps that energy will find you there on the day

05-01-15, 05:06
Right I have had a c-section myself. Do not worry. If it's under general you won't be allowed in anyway u will see her in the recovery room. If it's under epidural you won't see anything really as long as you stay by the head as they put a screen under her chest (I should imagine it's for the mothers benefit I'm sure not many people want to see their insides) ... The main thing is to stay focused on the joy your going to be feeling at meeting the new baby that you and your wife have created!... After my c-sec I was bed bound for literally less then a full 24 hrs then they got me to get up an showered ect. I was trotting round pushing my pram after about 10 days though I did take it easy. X

05-01-15, 18:02
I think its going to be a spinal block and i will be in the room. Thats the idea anyway. I want to be there for the birth. I really do and it means a lot to me.

The issue is I get anxiety in hospitals even for routine things. I dont know how im going to last on the day itself but I want to.